We have some flows written in designer V 8.036 and they reference RD30. Is there a migration utility to move these to LSF 9 and will it move the flows even though the RD30 logan objects no longer exist?
they reference RD30
The LSF9 tech migration process for process flow does convert DME calls to WEBUSER, SIRDIDHDR, LOMXVALUE, and SIRDXRFDTL to use ResourceQuery nodes. However, there are some restrictions.
We're updating RD30 with an AGS call and querying other Logan tables (ie: Sirdidhdr) with DME queries. Thanks.
NO. Flows which UPDATE resources need ResourceUpdate node, which is ONLY included in PF Integrator and BCI. Flows which ACCESS resource info use ResourceQuery which is included in ALL EDITIONS of ProcessFlow.
There are some restrictions, which I can't detail here, but should be part of your LSF9 migration process. I will say that, while the flow conversion utility does do a conversion, it is a tangled-looking flow which I would only use as a starting point for re-engineering if you are a BCI customer who is now entitled to migrate to ProcessFlow Integrator. In other words, some of the design decisions you made in creating an 8.0 flow would be made differently with LSF9 ProcessFlow Integrator.
Flows are now stored in .xml format rather than the .flo format.
Correct. However, I have found that for simple data mapping, you might be able to just use javascript (and if you have ProcessFlow Integrator, the FileAccess & DataIterator nodes).
It's a related question. Since there are no WF tables in 9.0, how would I go about converting DME and AGS calls in ProcessFlows referencing WF tables and/or forms.
Lawson knowledge article 556115 briefly mentions the process to convert 8.0.3 ProcessFlow DME and AGS calls to WorkFlow forms inLawson 9.0 but it does not give an example of a DME query in specific. If someone can give an example of a DME call to WFFOLDER in 9.0 that would be very helpful.
Thanks much for this forum !
Thank you John. I feel better. One other quick question. How about RD41 form. Does that still exist in 9.0 or is it part of RM? I have AGS calls updating RD41 for Employee Expense in our current ProcessFlows.
Thanks - Sreeni
So, how do we handle the AGS that are updating the WF forms (WF12, 20, etc)? We do not have PFI - we are using PF Pro
You have to use the new BPM XML forms. See Lawson KB Article 556115 -- "Converting 8.0.3 ProcessFlow Flow workflow forms ags/dme calls to Lawson 9.0". The 8.x->LSF9 migration scripts will convert the DME calls, but NOT the AGS nodes...those you will *manually* need to change to WebRun nodes which access the new BPM XML forms...