This is the WFMSGDTL to PFIMESSAGE issue when migrating flows from PFI to IPA. I understand that WFMSGDTL is now PFIMESSAGE and/or S$PFIME, but I'm having trouble getting rid of the "Some or all of the transaction / query string was not convertible" I've rebuilt the transaction string as described below but still have the query string error and can't get rid of it. Is there something wrong with the landmark query is generated? Or do I need to change it to a SQL query and join PFIMESSAGE and S$PFIME using the uniqueid?
From - OLD PFI:
_dataArea="lawprod" & _module="pfi" & _objectName="PfiMessage" & _actionName="Find" & _actionOperator="NONE" & _actionType="MultipleRecordQuery" & _runAsUser="" & _authenticatedUser="" & _pageSize="30" & _relationName="" & _setName="SymbolicKey" & _asOfDate="" & _effectiveDate="" & PfiWorkunit="" & AttachByName & Message
--The assumption being that Message is really the value from the S$PFIME table
Thank you Tim for all the input.
Deleting the node and reading resolved the issue.