Requisitions Self-Service hangs at the "Loading...Gathering User Information" screen for certain users.

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Jimmy Chiu
Veteran Member
Posts: 641
Veteran Member

    I switched all the requestors under a security class from COMPANY 2 to COMPANY 10. Now they can't get in Requisitions Self-Service. The portal just hang at

    "Loading... Gathering User Information"

    The weird part, I am officer and from a different security class, did the same COMPANY 2 to COMPANY 10 process and I can get in RSS fine.

    So far, I tried clearing reqcookie and refreshing IOSCache and none of the users except me can get in RSS under COMPANY 10.

    I have defined data security from company 1 to 10/*LOW - *HIGH/All Function/ access under RQ for the security class also.

    Any advise?

    John Henley
    Posts: 3353

      Did you change the company on RQ04 for their assigned requester?  Another thing you can do to quickly rule in/out security is to turn off security and try it.  If it works, then it's security; if not, then it's something else.  Remember to turn security back on...

      Thanks for using the forums!
      Jimmy Chiu
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 641
      Veteran Member

        Yes, I changed the company for the users in RQ04.

        They can get in with lawsec off. Hmm... strange.

        Advanced Member
        Posts: 40
        Advanced Member
          Check to make sure any Data Security in other suites - IC GL etc have the same parameters company 1-10 etc.

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