MSCM: Pars and/or Items missing on handhelds

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    Occasionally, when the material handlers download their pars to the handhelds, there are pars and/or items missing form the list.  They'll see "No locations to count" or "Item not found".  I've verified everything in IC81 and MSCM - User setup and My Pars is correct.  It's like the data is not making it from the server to the handhelds.  Rebooting the handheld and just logging off and back on will help sometimes.  But that may just result in different items missing.  Has any one else experienced this?  I'm wondering if it may be due to peak network usage.  The material handlers that download earlier in the day (4-6 am) don't seem to have this problem.  But the ones that download between 8 and 10 am do. We are wireless but it doesn't seem to matter whether the handheld is synced in the cradle or wireless.

    We are on MSCM v.; Dolphin 9550 handhelds
    Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
    Scott H.
    Posts: 3
      How long has this been happening for?
      Veteran Member
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        Hard to say.  Maybe 3 or 4 months.
        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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          This problem is fixed in Patch 14.   We have Patch 14 in production, and it does fix it.  Patch 14 has other problems, GSC is recommending SP1. 

          John Henley
          Posts: 3353
            I don't know that I agree; I have a client with SP1 and they are still having these sync problems.
            GSC now claiming that it's IC01 audit flag settings...if you have it audit turned on, sync issues occur.
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              Patch 18 came out yesterday.  Guess what's in it?   Yet another attempt at fxing items not dowloading.

              John Henley
              Posts: 3353
                I did see that. However, it looks like that patch still doesn't address the PTs they say are causing the IC Audit issues (180468, 180469, 180470).
                Thanks for using the forums!
                Veteran Member
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                  We put patch 18 in production on 04/14. It has its flaws, but not major ones we can't live with. It seems to be doing OK. If does seem to be keeping the par_bin_seq problems under control, or at least fixable.
                  John Henley
                  Posts: 3353
                    I have a client who is on Patch 19, and it's fairly stable.
                    Still have problems with items / pars missing if changes are made in IC.
                    There are several outstanding PTs for these types of issues.

                    BTW, Patch 21 came out yesterday, but doesn't address any of these...
                    Thanks for using the forums!
                    Veteran Member
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                      We just received a note from Lawson that patch 22 also has issues with changes to IC81causing items to be inactiveated in mscm. Patch 23 is supposed to address this and be out next week.
                      Veteran Member
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                        There is a way around the par_bin_seq issues, but its not something for the faint of heart. Go into the MSCM tables with SQL and delete the rows for a par location from location_item, lawson_itemloc, and lawson_bingrpdtl. Once the schedules all fire to rebuild it, the par_bin_seq problems are cleaned up. I've done this twice for par locations that would error on upload more than a third of the times they were used. Its not something that I reccomend doing for any other reason than to get your users calmed down.
                        John Henley
                        Posts: 3353
                          One other trick I figured out is to turn off the IC Audit flags on IC01 for a while (i.e. one or more sync cycles), and then turn back on...that does a full-resync of the item locations.
                          Thanks for using the forums!
                          New Member
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                          New Member
                            Does anyone still experiencing this issue of items not synching in MSCM and need to use IC Audit Flags from IC01 sync to be turned off for 15 minutes and turn it back on for Lawson 9.0?

                            Greg Moeller
                            Veteran Member
                            Posts: 1498
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                              John: Your trick was what saved us several times. GSC told us a work-around without having to change the flags all the time.
                              Have the DBA's do the following on the MSCM database. DELETE FROM ICAUDIT_TRACKER; COMMIT;
                              The next time it goes to look, it will sync them all up and you won't have to switch the flags.
                              Veteran Member
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                                Greg, that's a great tip. Much better than deleting from the lawson_item files. I wonder if that could be used to fix the occasional problem I've seen where a PAR gets deleted and then re-added. There's a PT written up for that one, but I've not seen it come out yet. Thanks for the post.
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