// DME call to POLINESRC to get req# of PO function getReqNumber(po,line) { var sPDL = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline");
var s = portalWnd.DMEPath; s += "?PROD=" + sPDL; s += "&FILE=POLINESRC"; s += "&FIELD=PO-NUMBER;LINE-NBR;SOURCE-DOC-N"; s += "&SELECT=PO-NUMBER=" + po; s += "%26LINE-NBR=" + line; s += "&OUT=XML"; //s += "&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~&NOHEADER"; alert("s " + s); var sReturn=portalWnd.httpRequest(s); alert("sReturn " + sReturn); alert("sReturn.status " + sReturn.status); return true; } Thanks you!
Posted By Terry P on 09/10/2013 02:43 PM Lynne - why do you have the PO number as part of your select? Why not use an index to the file?