PA52 Inquires not working after LSF9 migration

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Michael Thedford
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I use custom PA52 portal pages as Display Execs in our Portal Inbaskets instead of using the Full Access default PA52 in the Folders link in the Inbasket. In my production ENV, the custom Portal page will auto fill the Company, Employee, Action Code, Action NBR, and Effective Date, then Inquire when the page is opened. On my TEST LSF9 box, the custom PA52 only has the Company, Employee, and Action Code displayed as if it couldn't find the PA record. I put alerts in the javascript and it seems to be populating the fields with the correct data, but the inquire seems to not be working.

Windows 2003 boxes for both, working production ENV -, APPS, EMSS (I know, it's very old, but works for us...). LSF9 box -, Apps still, EMSS, CBL

The working ENV does not have the manual application changes to the Forms Field Definitions for the PA52's and J-PA52's. The EMSS requires these Forms Field Def's to be deleted and recreated again to use only the Company, Employee, Action Code, and Effective Date fields. I have made these changes in the LSF9 BPM and the default PA52 that is automatically added to the "Folders" link in the Portal Inbasket now works after the changes. I've tried leaving out the Action NBR in the script, but it still doesn't work. Does the script below still follow the correct syntax and usage for DS 9.x? The only thing I haven't had a chance to do is recreate the custom PA52 and the Portal Page from scratch to see if there is anything in the xml that may have changed between the 2 ENV's. Is there any differences in how Portal interacts with PA52 to get it to Inquire properly using the Javascript?

Thanks for any help or guidance.

The javascript without the alerts used on the Portal Page is as follows:

function tvlt_OnInit()
var pStorage = new PortalStorage()

return true;


function FormatLawsonDateToStandard(sDate)
//Returns Lawson date (yyyymmdd) as Standard Date string (mm/dd/yyy)
var s = ""
if (sDate != "")
{s = sDate.slice(4,6) + "/" + sDate.slice(6,8) + "/" + sDate.slice(0,4)}
{s = ""}

return s

John Henley
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Posts: 3351
Hi Michael, if you haven't run the PA52 .xml file thru the forms migration process, I'd do that first. Then try to inquire on that form (without calling it from the Portal page).
Thanks for using the forums!
Michael Thedford
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What is the forms migration process and/or script that the consultant should have run for this?

The custom PA52 actually does work if I manually enter/select the data and click inquire, but something in how the Portal Page is feeding the PA52 the fields and trying to do the inquire and/or handling any feedback from PA52 seems to be the issue.

Late yesteday, I created a copy of a PA52, no changes to the form, created a new Portal page, manually added the script in the above post which DS changed the name of tvlt to portalpage when creating the function, rebuilt the custom form index, cleared cache, changed the flow to use the new portal xml as the display exec in the usernodes, started a new PA to use to display the new display exec. This new one doesn't even display any values in the fields, like it never received them, although I inserted alerts in the script to verify what the values are. Something definitely is different in how to set this up in LSF9 DS from 8.0.3.x. I'm going to print out the Source xml code between the 2 ENV's for one of these Portal pages to see what if there is anything different.

Any other suggestions in where to look and or are you able to get one to work with the script above?
I'm also going to change see if I can manually set default values for the mapped fields to see if it will bring up a valid PA to test if it is even trying to do an Inquire on init.

Thanks for you help.
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
There is a section in the Design Studio user guide called "Migrating Forms and Scripts Created in Release 3.x"
Basically, you need to create a Portal shortcut to http://YourServer.YourDom...adeCustomContent.htm
That will run your 3.1 .xml files thru a conversion utility and prepare them for LSF9. The big thing was mixed-case naming and changes to servlets for AGS & DME, etc.
Thanks for using the forums!
Michael Thedford
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Posts: 19
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I finally got it to work. The are definitely major differences in how DS creates the forms and pages between the 8.0.3 and LSF9 versions of DS. The migrated forms do not function like what LSF9 DS shows that it should. The migration process only checks for syntax issues in the custom script area, but not any differences in the XML coding that DS creates when the forms/pages are created. I built all of the forms and pages from scratch in LSF9 with the exact same settings as the migrated versions and they worked as they should. I compared the Source Code and found several differences and missing xml parameters in some of the command strings. If you are planning for your 8.x to LSF9 migration, go ahead and plan to create all custom Portal pages and Forms from scratch and don't bother to troubleshoot locating which xml parameter change and/or syntax needs to be changed or added to work in LSF9. Let LSF9 DS created it for you.
Charla Devore
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How did you get the effect date to populate correctly?  The effect date for the portal page I created ignores the effect date of the work unit and populates the system date. Thanks, Charla