Creating a derived value in Design Studio

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Sheila Kendall
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We are new to Design Studio.  Can you tell me how to create a field to hold a total?  I cannot locate any documentation for this.  

Also,  I am trying to take three user fields and display them on one line.  Is there a way to put multiple records on one line?  Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


David Williams
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If you need to retain the total on the record so that it's available whenever it's referenced then you will need to use an existing field (like a user field). If the total is calculated when the form is referenced then you can add a text field and perform a calculation to populate it when the form record is inquired upon. You can add a text field and add the value of your user fields to it. var user3 = lawForm.getFormValue("userfield1") + lawForm.getFormValue("userfield2") + lawForm.getFormValue("userfield3") lawForm.setFormValue("Text12", user3)
David Williams
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You can use the Text field to store and display values not related to the form you are painting. When you drag the text field on to the the form you would leave the Data Source as blank. You get and set the values using getFormValue and setFormValue. The name of the field is case sensitive in the sample above use "text12" not "Text12". If you want to store a total but not display it then use setVariable and getVariable to store variables on the portal page. for example the following below stores the value "ABC" in a variable called "EXAMP" on the portal page similair to how your Employee number, Web User Id etc are stored. (the example is in 9.0 format). top.lawsonPortal.setUserVariable("EXAMP","ABC"); Gary Davies