Need to pass user name and password to WebNow to view Invocie Image

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Kate Liamero
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Posts: 70
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I have some design studio forms where I have a "View Invoice" button which brings the user to a webnow login. I would like to be able to pass the user id and password to automatically log the user into webnow when they click on the "View Invoice button".  How can i get this information to pass to Webnow?



Michael Thedford
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Posts: 19
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This really depends on how you want WebNow to work. BTW - what version of ImageNow are you on? 6.2 & 6.3 can give you more flexibility with this issue since you can specify VIEW in the url call, 5.x & 6.1 could leave you with some security holes depending on which method you use. Option 1 - the applies to ALL WebNow logins - on the ImageNow support site, get to the product help for WebNow. Follow the instructions in the Security and Authentication section for "Set up WebNow automatic Windows domain authentication". If you are using Windows authentication, NOT LDAP, then when you login to WebNow, it will use the windows account of whoever is logged in to that devices desktop and bypass the login screen. Remember, this is global, for ALL WebNow logins. If you only want this capability from the Lawson Portal forms or any other url call, but want the login screen if they manually login to WebNow, then DO NOT use this option. Option 2 - Use an annonomous login - there are instructions in that same product support for WebNow to do this, but you need to think thru your security setup to see if this will work for you. Option 3 - Depending on the drawer and security structure you have for your Invoices (one drawer or multiple drawers with different user accesses) you could use a generic or predefined user account (like webAP) that only has access to the documents that this particular view button needs. You would then would supply the "username=" and "password=" parameters in the url call for this account. If you are using Lawson as your security method of restricting access to certain invoices, then options 2 or 3 would be the best. Option 4 - if none of the above is acceptable for your setup and security requirements, then there isn't a way that I know of to capture the password of the user to populate the password url parameter. You can easily get the username to pass to the url, but they will still be given the login screen to enter the password. If you need addition help or information, contact me offline today or week after next, as I'll be on vacation next week. Michael Thedford 972-454-4212