Updating Attributes in LSF9 in Design Studio

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We are upgrading to LSF9 environment with 8.03 apps and are in the process of converting flows and design studio forms.  We have added a field to the rq04 that is used to identify specific requesters and tha we do an ags call to update the attribute in the rd30 record for that user.  Since LX90 does not exist anylonger in 9 how would we update that users record?
John Henley
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You would customize Lawson's LDAP schema to add the attribute. You would then use ProcessFlow Integrator and the ResourceUpdate node to update the attribute for each user. If you don't have ProcessFlow Integrator, I think you can create an .XML file with the RM ID and the attribute value and load it via loadusers.
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John Henley
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Sorry--I misread this and didn't realize you were talking about Design Studio. I'm not sure if there is a supported way to do this; you can use the UserProfile object's setAttribute() function, but as far as I know it only stays set for the session, and doesn't actually go back and update the LDAP. P.S. I'm moving this topic to the Design Studio forum.
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Joe O'Toole
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Aida, I was curious why you are looking to update LDAP with Design Studio. If you want to update records interactively you can use the Lawson RM screens. We update in batch mode via the loadusers utility. You can build this interface file with any programming method you are comfortable with. There is a sample of the loaduser XML file layout in the Lawson manual and also in \\gen\system folder.
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We have an RQ04 design studio screen where we’ve added a flag. The flag is set by the site and is flipped to identify a requester that is an overnight requester. Upon add or change, that field updates the rd30 attribute...which is used in the req approval flow to identify the requester as an overnight requester and than that kicks off our overnight flow. We are looking at doing the same in lsf9 but don't know if there is a way to update the attribute using design studio. Do you know of a way or are we going to have to create a trigger on that form that will kick off a flow to do it. What other options are you aware of, if any? We are also considering creating a separate table to house the flag instead of including it in RM as an attribute.
David Williams
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Can't you use an existing field on RQ04 to store this attribute (like Approval Code) and then have your flow check for that value when the requisition is released and the flow is triggered? If the overnight flag is found then the flow would route to a WorkObject to trigger your overnight flow.
David Williams
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As John said, setting the variable in DS will only keep it for that session, If you have ProcessFlow Integrator you can kick off a workflow to update the RM data, other than that using a User field or custom table is your only other options.

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Thank you...we did decide to use a table.