1094 checksumaugmentationnum error

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Margie Gyurisin
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We are on revbn299-17B for our BN299.

One of our companies attempted to upload their files to the IRS and is getting an error with the following element(s):  p4:CheckSumAugmentationNum.

Any thoughts on how to correct that?

Jason Beard
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In your manifest file, what is the value for that element? What is the specific error that the IRS is giving you? Are you on unix or windows for LSF?
Jason Beard
Jason Beard
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Also, silly question but you have applied the latest patches, correct? The IRS changed which type of checksum is valid for the 2017 tax year.
Jason Beard
Margie Gyurisin
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We do have the CTPs installed unless Infor released one since Jan 9. There is no value being populated in the checksumaugmentationnum. I have had a CASE open for a week. It looks like we can get passed it by using a utility but the system should generate it for us. It did last year.
Kristie Starzyk
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We are having the same issue. Did Infor ever get back to you?
Margie Gyurisin
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Incident is still open. We followed the KB article for the HR Year End 2017 to get the value. End users can't do it because they can't download the utility on their PCs. I am pressing for a fix. It didn't happen the last 2 years.

Of course now there are address errors and the IRS wants us to download a parser utility and see where the error is or if it is a software issue.
Jason Beard
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The command (for 2017) on windows would be certutil -hashfile nameoffile SHA256 . Fox AIX the command is openssl dgst -sha256 nameoffile

The IRS changed the hash requirements from prior years. Regarding the parser, I have a client that needed a completely custom ACA solution (no BN199) and I added that functionality (comparing the final product to the IRS schema) before submitting. If there is enough interest I will pull that logic into a standalone program. Please let me know if you would be interested.
Jason Beard
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So, I am having the same issues here as well.

Furthermore, what I am experiencing is that since the manifest file is not assigned an augmentation number by the BN299 job...I generate one using a CheckSum utility (and use the SHA-256 one instead of the MD5 one as in previous years)...

What happens is that every time I paste that number into the manifest file and save it, I then run the newly saved version of the file through the utility again in order to validate the number, but it now generates a new/different hash.

So, if the number is changing every time I add it and re-save the file, how am I supposed to validate whether or not I am getting a valid number, without having to go through all the motions of submitting the file though AIRS, awaiting the IRS processing the file, continuing to check the site for status updates until the file is shown as processed (or in this case rejected) and then downloading the response file?

Am I missing something that could make this process easier and more efficient, in spite of the fact that the BN299 is not generating the checksum augmentation number hash as it should?
Jason Beard
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When you say you run the file through the utility to generate the number.  What exactly do you mean?  When you generate the Checksum # you pass as input the Request file, not the manifest file.  Then you paste the resulting number into the manifest file, save it and then submit both the manifest and the Request to the IRS.

In terms of making it easier... yes Lawson could A) Generate the checksum as in years past... and B) validate the resulting files against the IRS schema to clear up any obvious problems before submitting to the IRS...  That said I don't see either of those things happening for this year :)


Please let me know if you need further assistance in getting your files ready to submit.

Jason Beard
Margie Gyurisin
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Just curious...... The checksumaugmentationnum error wasn't fixed with BN299 D. The only reason I ask is because that was the recommendation but we were already in the midst of submitting and didn't want to take the time to test the CTP since we had a work around. I intend to have it installed once I get a break in the action around here.
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Thank you Jason. That's my issue...I was running the wrong file (passing as input) through the checksum utility. I was generating the hash on the manifest file instead of the forms file.
Margie Gyurisin
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So. Did anyone get the Lawson standard programs to populate this value automatically last year? We needed to update our system with a pretty significant CTP that was updating many programs so I took the opportunity to include the latest ACA CTPs which brings our BN299 to 17E. The ChackSumAugmenationNum still doesn't populate. Thoughts? Resolution?

This message appears in the log:

Program Messages:
** Creating .prt and .dtl files
/usr/bin/rm: cannot remove 'd:/lsf10test/law/print/NT00000004/bn299pl30/1/1094C_Request_*': No such file or directory
TIME 08272000
Running BN299
'openssl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
LS OUTPUT -rwxrwxrwa 1 Administrators XXXXXXX\Domain Users 7290043 Jun 12 1094C_Re
FILE SIZE 7290043
END TIME 08275100
Elapsed Time . . . . . .: 00:00:31
BN299 Completed. . . . .: Tue Jun 12 08:27:51 2018
Step 1: Completed. . . . .: Tue Jun 12 08:27:51 2018
Elapsed Time: 00:00:32
END: Job Ended: Tue Jun 12 08:27:52 2018