Form/.scr help!!

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I copied an existing program to create a new one (online program).  The existing program only had a single form in the .scr file.  I added 5 more forms (.2, .3, .4, etc) to the new .scr file and updated the PD to process the data in the forms.  The forms in LID work perfect.  I can do a form transfer to all 6 forms and enter/update data.  However, when I go into LSA - only the ".1" form is showing and when I go into Design Studio and Ming.le - only the ".1" is showing.  In LSA, I only have access to the ".1" (because the other 5 don't show in there) but yet in LID I can form transfer to every form.  I'm been a Lawson developer for 20 years but this one has me stumped.  I'm fairly new to LSA and Ming.le (only about a year).  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I'd be happy to share the .scr file is anybody thinks it would help to look at it.  Thanks so much in advance.
John Henley
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Did you do a /servlet/IOSCacheRefresh ?
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Hi -

Yes - I've done the refresh. I've deleted the .xml file and run an xscrgen and then recompiled. I've deleted the .xml and .obj and recompiled. I deleted the rule for the ".1" in LSA and then tried re-adding the program and still only the ".1" shows up. Someone suggested doing a pgmdump/pgmload from the program back to the same program (with the update) option to see if that would "reset" something but that didn't work. I then backed up my code and deleted the program completely via pgmdef and then re-added it fresh (instead of copying it from another program like I did originally via pgmdef) and then copied my code back. I then recompiled the program and still have the same problem. I've compared my .scr to another .scr that has multiple forms and I don't see anything that would make it behave the way that it is. I've had lots of suggestions so far - but nothing has worked. I've opened a ticket with Infor (we have Case/4Gl support) but I haven't heard anything yet.
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
are you compiling as yourself, or as Lawson?
ls -l LAWDIR//map/default/.xml
what is showing?

Also, do you have multiple data areas set up for the product line / profile in LSA?
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No - we have just one product line.  What's strange is the program IS showing up in LSA and the ".1" form IS showing up - but forms .2 through .6 are not (but they are all in the same .scr file)
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Some new information (thanks to my co-worker who gave me a second set of eyes and saw something that I didn't!!) -

This new program was created by using the "copy" function in pgmdef. I copied an existing program to create the new program. After compiling the new program - when going into LSA - the new program still has the name and fields from the ORIGINAL program. This, I believe, is where the problem is occurring. LSA is recognizing the NEW program (created from the pgmdef copy) as the ORIGINAL program. This is why the .2 through .6 forms aren't showing in LSA (or Mingle/Design Studio) because the program I copied FROM only had one form...

Has anybody else ever had this happen before? I even deleted everything from LSA for this program and deleted the entire program (via pgmdef) and then recreated it (without using the copy function in pgmdef) and when going back into LSA - the new program still has the name of the original program I copied it from and the original fields/form from the program I copied it from..

I've deleted everything again and am going to have our sys admin bounce our Lawson test system. I'm then going to create another new program - with a different name this time - to see if the problem goes away (I'm going to use the copy function in pgmdef again to create the second new program just to see if something weird is going on with the pgmdef copy).

Thanks All!
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Final update at this point (unless Lawson provides more information - I told them I believe there is an issue with the copy function in pgmdef):

1. I created a new program in glsrc via the copy command in pgmdef (from an existing GL program)
2. I updated the PD to have the new GL program name in all the appropriate areas within the code
3. I updated the .scr to have the new GL program name in all the appropriate areas within the code
4. I updated the WS to have the new GL program name in all the appropriate areas within the code
5. I compiled the program

I then went into LSA and all 6 forms were now showing for the form - but the .1 still contained the name of the original program that I copied from (even though the name was changed in tokendef and the program name in pgmdef was a different name).

I ended up deleting everything and simply creating a new program in pgmdef (without the copy function) and saved my code, compiled the program and went into LSA and everything is now correct in LSA