Multiple areas for 1 requesting location

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We use Requisition center to replenish an off-site facility. (NURSING HOME #2)  The nursing portion of the template was extremely huge and cumbersome.  We were able to make smaller templates in PO15 using the one location.  We used "where" the item was stocked to create the sub categories.  (ie-wound care, oxygen, briefs)  This really helps with pulling the items.  We can put all of one sub location into one box.  This also helps when they go to put the inventory away.  It has been a huge time saver.  However, when printing off the requisition, it only says NURSING HOME#2.  It does not list the "sub" locations. (wound care, oxygen, briefs)  Is there some way to have the secondary name print off on the requisition pull sheet?  If our regular requisition clerk is gone, we don't know what the sub areas are and therefore cannot label the bins properly.

Thank You

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How about using par replenishment and assign locations to each item on the par? Even if you didn't want to spend the $ on a handheld device they could still use IC73 to submit counts. We used pars at our nursing homes and it worked just as well as for our nursing floors in the hospitals.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Carol S
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I would do one of 2 things if you don't setup the PAR locations indicated above:
1. Requesting locations can be the "Sub" locations. They do not need to be 1:1 for an Inventory location. I would create multiple requesting locations for each of the "sub" locations. The description of the requesting location would be something like: NH-2 -Wound Care, NH-2-Oxygen, etc. Then you would know which items belong to which sub location and can place them in separate boxes and deliver appropriately.
As long as the requester is able to request items for all of the sub locations, this will work well.
Since you are using Requisition Center, this is the best option as a single requester can change the requesting location on the requisition.
2. The other options is to setup multiple requesters and use a single requesting location. This will also break out the requests into the sub locations. You can only use this method on RQ10, however.
Carol Sanguinetti
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A couple of comments.
1a) I am hardly worthy of second-guessing anything Jon writes, but I think he meant to suggest using the IC83 as the manual par count process (the IC73 is part of the Inventory/Cycle Count process).
1b) The reason to consider a Par Location is that you can create a Bin assignment rubric that will support your current division of items. AND, technically, you can build a Par Loc and still place Requests through RQ10/RQC as "normal" (so you could continue to use the Templates), though I am not sure if the "put away" Bins would print on the delivery ticket.
2) I would strongly support Carol's first suggestion. We often build multiple RQ Locs/Par Locs for the same physical location for just such purposes.

As a third option to Carol's suggestions, if you have already trained the users to order from the different Templates, why not just ask them to submit a discrete Requisition per Template? This will not change the Location name showing up on the Delivery Ticket, but if wound care, oxygen, and briefs are in separate areas, put away should be pretty easy.

Just a thought,
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