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New Member
Posts: 3
3/5/2013 6:41 PM
Hi all, I'm new to Lawson Guru, so any help at all is appreciated! Who out there is in charge of maintaining their company's item master, or is familiar with their company's process? We're always looking at ways to streamline our methods, and it would be nice to know any tips or tricks we can use. If you respond, please answer the following questions: 1) What is your process for adding new items? 2) What is your process for item revisions/changes? 3) How much time do you spend doing both in a typical day (not that we usually have those!
) If you need me to clarify or specify anything, please let me know. Thanks! - Alex
Veteran Member
Posts: 163
3/5/2013 7:21 PM
Hi, I maintain our organizations item master, to answer your questions; 1. The person/department who is requesting a new item, fills out a SPEC (standardize product evaluation committee)form, the form is then reviewed at the monthly SPEC meeting where it is checked for contract (options, issues), pricing, etc. and once approved is given to me to add in the system. Usually I receive multiple new items/SPEC forms and will do Lawson uploads to load the IC11-12 PO13.3 records. 2. If an item is used in more than one area, the change requested will also go to the SPEC process, and if approved I will make the change. If it is a mulitple item change, I will use the Uploads as well. If its a singular item I will just make the change as they come in from the Vendor or Department. 3. On average I am making product changes or adding new items a couple hours a day. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Sheri
Posts: 3
4/1/2013 2:01 PM
If your system interfaces with an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, such as Picis, Points, or Epic (typically OpTime/Anesthesia modules) - then the Add/change process can get a bit complicated. If this is the case, a reporting from the EMR of ad-hoc, one-time, or on-the-fly Supplies or Implants used in patient charts is another way to find items potentially meeting the criteria for adding/changing. This kind of reporting can pinpoint new items, with the obvious potential for contract savings - and it can also highlight detail errors within the Item Master that carry over via the interface and result in "can't find" items that have been added as these one-time. That said it can also pinpoint the need for better training when it comes to searching these EMR systems to more accurately select Item Master items. There could be a book on the best practices of add/changing Item Master details. Do you have a specific issue in mind?
Veteran Member
Posts: 60
4/1/2013 5:50 PM
Ironically I was just looking into this myself as we have a large set of item data that needs to be uploaded and updated on a regular basis. Turns out there is a way to get these in. After a bit of research found layouts for FFITEMWK and FFITEMLOCWK. These are the specs for loading items into the item master via IC811 screen and item location information including price/cost via IC812. After these are pulled in for a specific vendor they can be reviewed and released.
New Member
Posts: 3
4/2/2013 8:56 PM
Thanks for the replies so far! Here's our general process right now: Item adds are done on an as-needs basis, either from a request from a department, or because of use in a procedure. The actual entry into Lawson is done twice daily with uploads (our purchasing staff enters the data in an Access database). Adds take about thirty minutes a day. Item changes/updates are entered into Lawson throughout the day, either piecemeal or as uploads, depending on the scope of the changes. Typicallly, we spend about 1-2 hours each day with changes to inventory, descriptions, manufacturer #'s, vendors, vendor item #'s, etc. Lawson is Lawson, and there's not a whole lot that can be changed up. Right now, we're focusing on how to streamline the item change process. Does anybody do their item adds/changes once a day, or even less often? - Alex
Veteran Member
Posts: 165
4/3/2013 1:11 PM
Hi Alex, I am with a GPO & am charged with maintaining the IM for one of our customers, UC Health in Cincinnati. We currently have ~170K active items. Our adds process is similar to Sheri's in that our buyers complete a form (although there is no monthly mtg to review) & after reviewing tier levels, etc. against our national contracts, it is forwarded to me for entry. While I try to avoid piecemeal work, sometime it is a necessary evil. We use IC11/IC12/PO13/PO25, & I typically refer to these screens as the 4 parts of our "item master". When doing mass adds, I use uploads for IC811 & IC812. I used to use PO813 but now prefer Addins for the PO13 adds. Then PO16 & PO150 to load the items onto the agreement. Revisions/changes also require a form if on contract. If off contract, buyers can submit changes via paper or email to me. Jonathan makes a great point about EMR systems. Our customer when live with Epic/OpTime late last year & it has added additional fields to maintain. We are using User Fields in IC11 for cost on robotic items, C Codes & Latex Indicators (this was set up before I knew about Hazard Codes!) Typically I try to block off the morning hours to complete any maintenance received the day before. On average I spend 1-3 hours per day on this task. Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions. Beth
Advanced Member
Posts: 23
4/8/2013 2:57 PM
Hi Alex, We use Microsoft Add-Ins with Excel spreadsheets to load new items into our system in this order IC11, PO13, PO25.6, IC12 and PO15. We also use it to change the detail of items, template assignments, costs, etc. This is a great time saver and provides an audit of what was done. Yes, there is upfront work to build the spreadsheets but a lot of the information can come from your vendors. Items can be added within seconds as apposed to many many minutes of manual typing. Mark.
Kat V
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Posts: 1020
4/15/2013 1:50 PM
We have piggy-backed the IT ticketing system - user fills out basic information which is routed to our Value Analysis and Contracts. The buyers fill out the upload spreadsheet and then we upload - IC11, PO25.6 (use FC B and it creates the PO13 for us) and then the IC12 and PC10. Finance has a query that alerts them when we've added items to the PC10 with a placeholder CDM which is how they know to build one.
Posts: 3
9/10/2013 6:14 PM
Would anyone be willing to share the item add form that they have the end user complete?
Posts: 3
9/10/2013 6:16 PM
This sounds like a best practice. Would y ou be willing to share what inforamtion you ask for from the end user and the buyer upload spreadhseet?
Kat V
Veteran Member
Posts: 1020
9/11/2013 8:18 PM
If that was to me- On the tickets, endusers provide: Manufacturer Name and Part Number (for multiple items, they attach a spreadsheet with this information) Any Sales Rep information for anyone they worked with Lawson Vendor Number GL Category (Account): ID Supply/Implant/Equipment Indicate if it is new or replacing existing and if so, which items we can inactivate (This never works, but we ask) Then the VAT questions: Purpose (cost savings, physician preference, new equipment), Product Description, Concerns with existing products, etc. Info is discussed/collected at VAT meetings and buyer puts it on a spreadsheet. Columns are: Ticket#, Major/Minor Classifications, Vendor Number and Purch From, Manufacturer Codes and Number, Vendor Reorder Number, GL, UOM Conversions from Buy UOM to patient use UOM, Cost and Contract information. We pull in from NuVia: Descriptions, Generic (NuVia's Noun), Full Description (we put it on IC11.3 where it is typically cut off), Latex information, and UNSPSC. We're working on figuring GL and using Noun/Type as Major/Minor. The upload sheets are approved by the Contracts Director and then uploaded to: IC11, IC12(for OR Optime requests), PC10 (with a placeholder cdm so Finance knows to go build them), PO25.6 (FC B adds the PO13 records at the same time).
Veteran Member
Posts: 1163
9/12/2013 10:16 AM
This is our item master add form that our contracts team designed.
R Phillips
Advanced Member
Posts: 42
9/23/2013 3:01 PM
This is my first time to add an attachment, so let me know if you have issues opening. When I started in September 2012 our department had 5 different forms they received plus e-mail, notes, and in-person requests. We moved that down to one form (attached) that allows multiple items per request. We have averaged 2775 item changes a month since Dec 2012. We began tracking in mid-November 2012. Hopefully, the volume will decrease once we finish our cleansing project. The Requestor completes the Request tab using the other tabs for information (Item Master, MFG CODES, VENDOR, INV CLASSES, and ABBREV FOR ITEM DESCRIPTION). If they are changing an item, they copy the current information from the item master into the current and new item information sections then make changes in the new item information section. When my team receives it, the analysts copy the Request tab into an analyst form which provides them with information for our tracking sheet, and add-ins upload formats for IC11, PO25.6, and PO13. If there are 5 items or less on the request we process it manually; otherwise, we use uploads through add-ins for IC11, PO13, PO25, IC12, & IC81. We were unable to use a form with only one item per request. Rebecca
Veteran Member
Posts: 165
9/24/2013 2:35 PM
@Rebecca - Thanks for sharing your forms. They are similar to ours. You mentioned a "cleansing project". Would you mind going into more detail about what you're doing? Also what is your typical turnaround time in completing both uploads & the manual work? Thanks, Beth
Basic Member
Posts: 6
11/17/2016 4:30 PM
i have a quick question, I want to add a new item to all the rooms that have a item in them .. ie I want to add 50274 everywhere 17415 is.. what is the best way to do this other then doing each item with ic81 or using ic82?
Basic Member
Posts: 6
11/17/2016 4:30 PM
i have a quick question, I want to add a new item to all the rooms that have a item in them .. ie I want to add 50274 everywhere 17415 is.. what is the best way to do this other then doing each item with ic81 or using ic82?
Basic Member
Posts: 6
11/17/2016 4:30 PM
i have a quick question, I want to add a new item to all the rooms that have a item in them .. ie I want to add 50274 everywhere 17415 is.. what is the best way to do this other then doing each item with ic81 or using ic82?
Basic Member
Posts: 6
11/17/2016 4:30 PM
i have a quick question, I want to add a new item to all the rooms that have a item in them .. ie I want to add 50274 everywhere 17415 is.. what is the best way to do this other then doing each item with ic81 or using ic82?
Basic Member
Posts: 6
11/17/2016 4:30 PM
i have a quick question, I want to add a new item to all the rooms that have a item in them .. ie I want to add 50274 everywhere 17415 is.. what is the best way to do this other then doing each item with ic81 or using ic82?
Veteran Member
Posts: 1163
11/17/2016 4:37 PM
IC331 for Par Locations. PO115 for Templates.
New Member
Posts: 1
5/18/2017 5:25 PM
I am new to the forum and am wondering if anyone on this thread can provide their process for linking a new item to the item that was replaced by the new item? A Lawson consultant advised our organization that we should never recycle an item when changing manufacturers, so I am interested in hearing how other organizations are handling functional replacements for an existing product/item.
Advanced Member
Posts: 22
5/18/2017 7:25 PM
I'd be inclined to agree with your consultant. It's much better to simply inactivate the current item (make sure it's off of all PARS & pricing is on hold) and create a new Lawson number with the new manufacturer number. That way, if you choose to go back to using the old one, all of that information is already in your records.
Kat V
Veteran Member
Posts: 1020
5/19/2017 12:25 PM
If we change manufacturers - we tend to change Lawson item - the only exception are things like alcohol prep pads or copy paper. In Lawson IC11 the replacement item feature only works if you have the same UOM from one item to the next. We do not utilize it here. When we inactivate Item A we change description 1 to read "VOID USE ITEMB" Your issue is analytics. We include the IC11 Added Date in our VAT reports - so if an item was created May 2016 but usage report is running for the full 2016 calendar year, we'll know to look to see if there was an item before this one. Ex: You have ITEMB and run usage and realize there's a "cutoff" because the item didn't exist for the full date range. You then need to go to ic11 and search by description for "contains" ITEMB. This should pull up the inactive ITEMA with its "VOID USE ITEMB" description. You then go run usage for ITEMA. It's manual and intensive but it's functional for us.
anu singh
Basic Member
Posts: 13
2/1/2018 12:23 AM
I have to the Inactive few of the ITEM in IC11,IC12, PO13 so what is the best possible method to do. Could anyone explain the process. For PO13 I think I can Change the Status to I for Inactive but how to do in IC11 and IC12?
Kat V
Veteran Member
Posts: 1020
2/1/2018 12:45 PM
We take things out in the reverse order they were put in. So the "out" order is: PO13, IC81, IC12, IC11. On PO13.3, use FC: T to Inactivate (I personally think T = Take out to remember.) This will also put any lines tied to that reorder number on hold on PO25.6. I run IC331 to remove from all par locations (IC81). You can also use IC82. I check IC40 for inventory stock before proceeding. Assuming no stock on hand, I run IC330 to inactivate the IC12s. You can manually do this on IC12, there is an active status you can change to I on the Main Tab. Last is changing the Active Status on the IC11 Main Tab to I. Item is now inactive.
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