Buyer assigned to a vendor setup

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Darrel Dudeck
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  Does anyone have their vendors assigned to a particular buyer and if so how did you set it up . Let me first give you some insight of our current setup. All buyers are currently assigned to Requesting Locations on the RQ01.  We also have two VPA's for our prime vendor. One VPA for bulk hospital deliveries and one for Clinic sites that require  delivers of small UOM's ,these requesting locations are tied to this Clinic VPA by using participants. Every vendor has one VPA (po25) setup with the divisions setup on the PO25 as purchase froms for that vendor. PO04 only restricts the buyer but does not default the buyer to a vendor process and or requesting location.  We looked at po25 which proved to be of no value for this type of setup.  The PO10 setup appears to be the only true  buyer default method. . The only problem with that is the requesting locations RQ01's needs to be blank to make it work.  That setup will then cause us problems since  some unique requesting locations like  our Pharmacy  requesting locations still need to be assigned to a particular buyer regardless of the vendor for their PO's. thus the problem !           I thank you in advance for your time spent helping to figure out this problem.                   Darrel
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All our buyers are set by vendor on po10, except a couple buyers who are specific to a few req locs, but they enter their own reqs, so they put in their own buyer codes. Can't you set all your po10 vendors with a buyer and then set certain req locs, such as Pharmacy, with a buyer? Then you should always get the po10 buyer unless the req line is for one of the req locs that have a specific buyer?
Darrel Dudeck
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 Stephanie,  Thanks for reaching out to help but we tried that and the req / po is was  created without a buyer assigned.
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Darrel, I'm not sure what I'm missing. If i set a buyer on a req loc and place an order for that req loc, I get the buyer from that req loc, and if I place the same order for a req loc without a buyer, I get the buyer from the po10 setup. Here is the buyer heirarchy from Lawson KB. 1) The Miscellaneous header tab on RQ10.1. 2) The Requesting location (RQ01.1). 3) The Item Location (IC12.1) for the item. 4) The PO Vendor (PO10.1) or Vendor Purchase From Location (PO10.2) if used.
Darrel Dudeck
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Stephanie,            I guess I didn't explain it exactly here is what we are looking  to do and that is to change the operational process of how we currently distribute the “orders” in purchasing from Requisition Location/by buyer to taking our top 25 vendors and assigning them a Buyer code.  All other vendors we would leave with no Buyer assigned to them and let those orders default to the Buyer on the Requisition Location. So you can see the buyers for a those top 25 vendor will not populate if the req locations  also have another buyer assigned  to it.            So  I know an RQ01 always wins over the  PO10  setup and after reaching out to Lawson according to them we will  need additional functionality                Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your insight.                                          Darrel.
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Darrel, This should work, but I haven't tested this exact scenario. I use the req loc attribute / list for a different reason... If your requirement is to have just a few vendors set with specific buyers and then to have the rest of the non-stock po lines (RQ source) get the buyer based on req loc, you could setup a req loc attribute (MX00), where the buyer code would be set for each req loc (RQ01.2), then setup req loc lists (MX10) - one for each buyer, then you would have to run/schedule po100 separately for each req loc list (Req Location Attributes on Filters tab) and have the appropriate buyer set in the po100 default buyer. In this case, you would not use the buyer field in the RQ01, you would set the buyer for the req loc in RQ01.2. The non-stock req lines for the top 25 vendors would already have the buyer set, others would have no buyer so the default buyer would get used from po100.
Darrel Dudeck
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Stephanie ,         We did explore the attribute piece but we really didn't want to start running the PO100 job for the separate req locs etc, since we have over 3000 req locations with a third ordering almost 24/7 .When I get time I  will explore your scenario. to see if  it can meet our goal with minimal change to the job processing. I don't think we have a choice since the other option is a functional change by Lawson and as you know that does not happen very quickly if at all.. Thanks again for you feedback on this issue, I will let you know how I make out after I get some testing done. But as usually this is now taking a backburner due to my testing GTIN's in a PO with a vendor.               Thanks again,                Darrel              
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Just an fyi... you wouldn't run/schedule po100 for each req loc, it would be for each req loc list which would be one for each buyer code.
Darrel Dudeck
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Stephanie,        Just to let you know after reviewing all our options and consulting with Lawson we  decided to review a setup of processflow to handle our situation. Thanks for the support and info.