Cannot change UOM; open transactions exist

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I'm getting this error when trying to change the UOM for an item (it was off). I adjusted out all current stock on hand and checked PO63 but didn't see any open lines (one facility has it in "received" status though). 


Where else do I check for "open transactions"?

Michelle Wetzel
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Look at IC40. This will display all warehouses (and par carts) for an item along with stock on hand quantity, on demand quantity and open orders. If a warehouse has either on demand quantity (open requisitions) or open orders (open POs), you'll need to either wait until they clear or cancel them, make your change and then recreate the requisition or PO line.

You can right click and drill on the warehouse to get to the Stock Status for the item. Stock status will list all open POs and requisitions for that warehouse. Drilling further into the requisition will get you the shipment number if you need to backorder/cancel something.
Kat V
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"Open Transactions" can refer to things like IC21s as well - and we've even had some issues with open PO lines for non-stock. The IC21 is mind-bending because it's often not the UOM I'm changing.

There was a ctp a while back that added a flag to IC00 that would allow you to override this. We keep "Allow UOM Changes With Open Transactions" to 0 (Prevent Changes) so it will alert us. Then if we look at it and still need to change the uom we set it to 1, make the change, then set it back to 0.
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I was just about to post that this is most likely due to an open IC21 or IC24 document. Run IC222 to see if there any unreleased documents for that location. If so, this item is probably on one of them.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Spot on with running the IC222 Jon. I saw there was an unreleased adjustment. I took care of it and was able to change the uom. Thanks everyone!
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I have a question since switching over to P10 I noticed a UOM issue that has come up several times. Before P10 if we had a BUOM change we would just go into IC11 and remove the number 2 on the new BUOM that the Process Flow had entered when the request was submitted in Item Request  and change it to a number 1.  We would then just delete the number 2 that was auto populated in the box of the BUOM that we are switching FROM. Since we have switched over to P10 when we try and remove the number 2 that has been auto populated in the previous BUOM box it will not allow us to delete it because it is saying that the BUOM that we are changing FROM is on a contract or several contracts with the previous BUOM . In order to delete that number 2 we then have to manually go in PO25 whether the contract is on hold or not  and we have to update the BUOM to the NEW BUOM.  Has anyone experienced this type of issue and how do you fix it or do you have to update each contract in PO25 that had the previous BUOM. I am at my wits end with this issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. 
Audra Hicks
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I have a question since switching over to P10 I noticed a UOM issue that has come up several times. Before P10 if we had a BUOM change we would just go into IC11 and remove the number 2 on the new BUOM that the Process Flow had entered when the request was submitted in Item Request  and change it to a number 1.  We would then just delete the number 2 that was auto populated in the box of the BUOM that we are switching FROM. Since we have switched over to P10 when we try and remove the number 2 that has been auto populated in the previous BUOM box it will not allow us to delete it because it is saying that the BUOM that we are changing FROM is on a contract or several contracts with the previous BUOM . In order to delete that number 2 we then have to manually go in PO25 whether the contract is on hold or not  and we have to update the BUOM to the NEW BUOM.  Has anyone experienced this type of issue and how do you fix it or do you have to update each contract in PO25 that had the previous BUOM. I am at my wits end with this issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. 
Audra Hicks
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Unless we know for certain that there is no transaction history for this item at that UOM we will just inactivate rather than delete.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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That part I understand since switching over to P10 if we are no longer using the previous BUOM then we will just enter a 9 and inactivate we can no longer delete it, although my question is if we are still using the lowest UOM because that is how the item is issued we want to remove the number 2 so that will eliminate anyone purchasing it at that BUOM. I will try to add a screen shot so you can get a clearer picture of what I am trying to do.


Before screen

Audra Hicks
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Audra Hicks
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Was curious about your issue, so I added a 2 to an items UOM Buy field. Then simply tried to remove it, the system now gives me the message "Cannot Change-po template 1 line item UOM exists"

So while this UOM on this item has never been used as a BUY UOM before, I simply added and attempted to change back it now cannot be removed.


UGH so it seems it has become harder to navigate this screen??


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I have been doing UOM changes for along time and never remembered having this issue, would you say the same ? What does the error  message that you received regarding the PO template mean just in case I run into that. I appreciate all of your input.
Audra Hicks
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Sorry, I saw delete and thought you were attempting to delete the UOM. I know you said that it doesn't work with the contract on hold but have you tried putting just the line on hold? It should work either way but sometimes the code writers miss things.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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No problem I appreciate any feedback, my overall question is in the past I don't remember having to go into any of the contracts and make any adjustments just to make a UOM change and now I do. If the item that I am trying to make a UOM change on was previously on 10 contracts in the past that would mean if they were expired then I would have to make them current and then put that item on hold it just seems like there should be a much simpler way of doing it. Have you ever ran into this particular issue? 
Audra Hicks
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I think it's a bug. We're still on 9.0.1 and as long as the agreement or line is on hold we can change the buy flag to blank.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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This is a new issue to me as well, I assume the error message means, 'the item is on a template so it cannot be changed' which would not be accurate since the buy uom is not listed on the template, only the transacting uom (which are not the same in this case). so Technically this would not be a valid reason to not be able to change it back.
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Nalau - I think I see what you're trying to do. If the item is truly no longer purchaseable at that UOM and you want to blank out the "2" in the buy default area, you will need to make sure that UOM doesn't exist on any contracts. It's a manual process but you can probably just use add-ins to quicken it up. I would probably just run a query for all contracts that the item lies on and then just update the UOM and Pricing to what you want to start buying at. Once that's done, just blank out the buy default area for the "BO" UOM.

Sheri - when you say you tried to "remove it" do you mean delete the UOM or just take off the 2?
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Hi, I tried to remove the 2, and receive the system error message " Cannot change UOM, template 1 item uom exists" I did check with Lawson on this and the support person stated that would be a system error.

Will have a JT fix created ??

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Yeah if there's a bug in the system then the JT will correct it. However, that error means that the UOM must exist somewhere in PO15.

I might run a PO115 in REPORT ONLY mode and try changing the UOMs to case. You'll be able to see which templates change from BO to CA.