2 PO13's

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Bev Edwards
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I have an item set up to order from Owens as LUM and also from Steris for direct.

The issue is, when the LUM orders are coming over from our Omnicells, instead of pulling Owens & Minor from the pricing agreement set up in PO25 for LUM (OWENS), it's pulling the Steris agreement.

Can an item have 2 PO13's??



Mike Bernhard
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Hi Bev - this should be achievable.  It's a bit hard to give precise advise without a discussion, but here are some thoughts


1) if you want the LUM agreement to always default, to all requisitions and the direct Steris agreement is only used by exception (e.g. by the buyer for substitutions), then you can use the PRIORITY field on the PO25 header.  For example, you can set the LUM PO25 priority to "1" and set the Steris to "9"


2) If you want the Steris to default sometimes and the LUM to default sometimes, then you should explore using PO25 participants - for example, you can use the IC Location, Req Location or the Accounting Unit to assign the agreements to the desired participants. 

I hope this helps somewhat.  The hierarchy gets a bit tricky but this should explain the basics.  If you are already aware of these options and they aren't working, let me know and I can help you further.

Mike Bernhard
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One more thing - yes you can have two PO13s.  (see screen PO13.3 to view and edit multiple PO13s for the same item/vendor).

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Hi Bev - yes, an item can have multiple PO13s. First question - where does your omnicell get the vendor it's supposed to choose from? For example, ours is interfaced to IC81 which specifies which vendor.
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We also use a par location as the requesting location for our interface with HI-IQ (Cath Lab). All we send from HI-IQ to Lawson is the item number and quantity in a csv file and ProcessFlow creates the requisition. The par location defaults everything else.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health