Combine Perpetual Inventories

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Hello - We want to dissolve our EP lab inventory in to the existing one for the Cath lab at one of our hospitals.  They already share the same cost center, & having them separate causes a lot of extra work.  All items already exist in Cath, so no new IC12's needed. Would IC22.1 Transfers be the best method? Any reason to consider IC22.2? What reports should we run before & after these transactions? What impact will this have to the GL? Any direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Just an update - I opened an incident with Infor. They've recommended IC22.1 Transfer. This will post to the GL with the IC130. To capture a before/after snapshot, we'll use either IC233 or IC234 for the before, & IC220 for the after. If there's anything else we should consider. Please let me know. Thanks.
Kat V
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For what it's worth - if we merged, I'd send a screenshot of IC04 to Finance - for the both locations. Let them know Infor recommends IC22 which will credit the old inventory (line 1 on the screen shot) and debit the new one.

I'd also run an IC130 before and after releasing the IC22 (along with the IC233/234/220). This will make this it's own line on GL90 which also tends to keep Finance happy.
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Hi Kat - Thanks as always for your advice. Infor did go quite to the length of telling me how to run the IC130 so I appreciate the direction.