Item/Contract Match in Lawson

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Lee Ferketic
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We are merging our SC departments and the parent organization does not allow the use of Access for when we migrate to their platform, we are looking at ways that we can do mass matches of item files for contracting and other purposes from a third-party file to Lawson. Today, we take the third-party file and use an Access database that will do the matching. The only thing we need to do is format the spreadsheet, ensure the column we want to match to is named correctly and make sure the sheet we are using is identified as “Sheet 1” so the database recognizes it and then run the query. The output is then used to upload to PO16, etc. for the contract. We get many requests from all vendors and their files are not standard, this database allows us not to have to reformat the entire excel file, just the ones I mentioned.


Is anyone familiar with any other process that would do this functionality in a mass lookup/add fashion? We are working on developing a Crystal tool that would do the same thing, but I think this may be a lot more work with Crystal.


Kat V
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This is why I had to learn sql a few years back.  I happen to use Aqua Data Studio - but there are several sql programs that will do this and bring up tables in a visual manner very similar to MS Access.  The biggest hurdle is that I had to be given a "schema" and rights to add my own tables on production.  This was A Thing. :)

Do you have any department in IT that writes/publishes reports?  They can likely tell you what sql writer your company uses.  From there, its quite a bit of training - but yes, I load spreadsheet and tie VENITEM from CONTRACT to VEN_ITEM from POVAGRMTLN. :)
