LSO and Citrix

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Greg Moeller
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I'm having issues publishing InfoBrowsers as widgets.  I'm following the steps outlined in the Admin guide, but it never seems to appear in the widget library after I publish one.

Please help!


Accessing through Citrix.


Is there something that needs to be moved to the Citrix server(s)

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A timely question - look for a post on this subject on the Lawson Technology blog - - to be published soon.

I assume you are looking at the section entitled, "Using the Predefined Widgets Administration Tool". If so, it would be near impossible to be successful following those instructions. The Lawson Info Browser is different from most widgets in that parts of it's definition is stored in the canvas.xml (like others), but the meat of it's definition is stored in a second XML file on the Lawson application server.

The way to publish an Info Browser is first to create an instance on your canvas. Then when all is working as desired, right-click in the list of data and select "Publish". This will launch the Predefined Widget editor bringing in most of the settings required. All you then have to do is be sure the Widget ID is unique and that you supply localization strings for title and description for the locale "en-US". Then click Save. Assuming there are no restrictions on widgets availability (for Mango.Core in the ISO Settings Editor), the next time anyone logs in, the widget should be available.

Hope this helps.

BTW - you have probably already observed that the Office integration features of ISO are not functional in a Citrix environment.
Greg Moeller
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Posts: 1498
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That's what did it.... I forgot that I had restricted the widgets available. Once I went in and checked the imported one, I'm able to see it now.