Globally setting workfile csv attributes

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Margie Gyurisin
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In the past we have set our PRTRCSV globally set the attributes for the PRTRCSV file so that job will recognize the file to have no headers and a ccyymmdd date format. 

Can someone point us in the right direction?  We can't remember how to do it.



Jeff Shumate
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You would do that in the program definition. From the command line: pgmdef productline pr pr530 > choose file name PRTRCSV, hit F6 (define), then "B" ( define file attributes), change file header to off and change date format to ccyymmdd (and you may want to get rid of the date separator, I could not tell from your question). I don't know that you have to re-compile PR530, but I always do. That will set you up for every run of PR530. If you just want to do it at the job level, you would use the same process, except begin with jobdef.
Karen Ploof
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Hmmm.. what is the difference between doing that in wrkdef and in pgmdef?
John Henley
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Posted By Karen Ploof on 10/17/2016 6:22 PM Hmmm.. what is the difference between doing that in wrkdef and in pgmdef?

Same. pgmdef executes wrkdef.

And the recompile is not necessary, since the work file attributes are stored in GEN, not compiled.

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