LSAudit in V10 not tracking updates

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We upgrade from V9 to V10 in May 2016 and use Avaaps Security Dashboard.  After the upgrade some of the Sec Dashboard reports were failing and it turned out to be the LSaudit tracking was missing from that release.  Infor have since added this tracking back in to the app but we are finding that not all ISS user updates are writting to the LSAudit table.  Based on advise from support we recently applied a DSP 944 update and LSF CT to bring us to LSF which had other adverse impacts on our loaduser process and list based sync.

So just wondering if other installations are relying on LSAudit to track users history or what other tools are they using.




Joe O'Toole
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Just out of curiosity, what did the updates break in your loaduser process?
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The loaduser process seems to have been reworked by Infor development to accomodate new installs by having it run a complete reindex after the update and did not account for production user that do incremental adds. Loadusers went from being a 5 min process to over an hour because fo the reindex. Dev added a switch to the loadusers to disable the reindex as a work around but now our account team cannot assess those new added users in ISS till a full reindex is run at the end of the day. From Infor Support: We found the full index rebuild that was added to loadusers recently is causing the delays in the add user process. You are able to run 'loadusers -i' which will prevent it from doing an index rebuild after loading the users however you won't be able to search for new users in ISS until an index rebuild is completed. You can run 'ssoconfig -B ' to trigger an index rebuild at your convenience.