Using SQL Update (as well as the SQL Query) nodes require locating/downloading and then installing/configuring JDBC drivers for your desired database(s) (e.g., Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, etc.) on your development workstation as well as your Lawson LSF9/ProcessFlow Server. You will also need some knowledge of JDBC connection string syntax. None of this is well-documented by Lawson (nor is configuration support provided by GSC). Here are instructions for installing/configuring MSSQL JDBC for ProcessFlow Integrator.
Read Installing and Configuring MSSQL JDBC for ProcessFlow Integrator.
hi John,
I'm successfully using this in Designer, but the first time I tried to run it on the server I get the message:
Please add jdbc driver to ProcessFlow Server classpath.
SQLException: JDBC Driver not found:
Any thoughts?
I am trying to do this on a UNIX server are there any differences. I put the files in the correct location $GENDIR/bpm/jar but I still get the error "No Suitable Driver"
There should be a config location that tells UNIX that the jar files are there. You need to do this on the processflow server.
I was able to get it to work with the 2005 sql driver for UNIX. I downloaded it from the MS website. The zip file is called sqljdbc_1.2.2828.100_enu.tar.gz.
I'm a SQL dba and had the same problem. I can help if you want. We discussed this here:
The location of the 2000 driver is here: (get it while it's still there!)
How about connecting to a simple MS Acess database? Does this apply or is there a different node that should be used?
I have configured GENDIR/bin/pfserv config to include JDBC
Placed the sqljdbc4.jar and sqljdbc.jar to $GENDIR/bpm/jar. I tried to delete sqljdbc.jar, but it won't allow me with message "being used".
I have added the line pfserv.common.classpath.5 %GENDIR%/bpm/jar/sqljdbc4.jar to $LAWDIR/system/pfserv.cfg
Servers were restarted this morning which includes PFstart. And still get this error in PF designer when I test run a SQL Query to "Run on Server"
Executing Sql ..... SELECT EMPLOYEE, LAST_NAME FROM lawson.EMPLOYEE where EMPLOYEE=9999 SQLException: JDBC Driver not found: Undefined Please add jdbc driver to ProcessFlow Server classpath.
Please note that running on my desktop "override JDBC" to use my local old JDBC driver, it will work.
What am I missing?
Thank you,