PO30 & PO35 Addins



Veteran Member

Posts: 165

Veteran Member

    Hello - We need to do some mass receiving to clean up our INR report.  Would anyone be willing to share their addins for PO30 Add receiver & lines & the PO35 to release?  I'd be most grateful.  Thanks in advance!!

    Kat V

    Veteran Member

    Posts: 1020

    Veteran Member

      If you can - Don Peterson has "Self Contained Workbooks" that will do this. Otherwise the "immediate" fix is to upload to the PO30 and let it create a receipt per line, use PO58 to inquire on your user id for the day and get all the receipt numbers. Use that to upload to PO35.

      PO30 map to: Company, PO Number/Release/Code, Position to Line number, FC A(Add), Qty from INR, Add Only.
      PO58: Company, Receipt Dates t(today) - t(today), Operator ID Code (user id used to upload), Inquire, Print, open and Create CSV.
      PO35 map to the PO58 output: Company, Location, Position To (Receiver Number) FC R (Release), Change Only.


      Veteran Member

      Posts: 165

      Veteran Member

        Just a quick note - Tried this for the first time this morning: On the PO30, with Add Only, I saw some Receiver already exists messages when there were multiple lines on the same PO. When I reran as Try to Add then try to Change, those additional lines added to my already created receiver. Also, on the PO35 Addin, I did not need Location.
        Thanks so much for sharing Kat - I was able to make quick work of around 150 lines!!