BSI 9 to 10 Upgrade on UNIX/ORACLE

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Posts: 93
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    I've done the BSI v10 upgrade on a widows Enviroment, and it went relatively smooth. I am now in a UNIX/AIX, Oracle environment and not really clear no the steps to install BSI v10 on a UNIX box . Is it similar? Anything I need to watch for? I am trying to interpret the BSI technical documentation now, but was hoping someone out there can lend some hints/pointers/steps.
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      You will still need a Windows Server or PC to host the BSI client. The client itself is not compatible to run on Unix (from what I was told back in Sept anyway).

      The rest of install was typical, following the BSI docs.
      Veteran Member
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        Thanks Carl. Yeah we are a Windows environment, but the Server side I will be installing on Unix/AIX. Do you have the technical specs available to share showing the steps for the server side? I cant seem to find it !!
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          I'm not really impressed with BSI's documentation, but I can send you what I have.
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 306
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            Here is my task list:

            Tax Factory Cyclic Bulletin – Server Software Upgrade and Database Update
            The Tax Factory interface compile and the cyclic data file load must be done while there is no activity on the system (no employee data updates, no check calculations, no employee self-service activity). This is typically done during the weekly Lawson fail-over/maintenance window.

            Make a backup copy of the existing server files using LID (can be done ahead).
            (sign on as lawson)
            . cv
            cd $TAXFACTORY)
            ls –l

            FTP the new server files in binary mode using a command prompt or FTP client.
            When the downloaded server files were expanded a subfolder named server was created. It contains the files that need to be installed on the Lawson application AIX server, these are:

            Change the file permissions if necessary using LID.

            Bring down WebSphere. This will prevent any user activity during the installation

            Bring down Lawson (stoplaw)

            Apply any pre-requisite Regulatory bulletins.
            If there are any pre-requisite Regulatory bulletins that must be applied before the Cyclic can be installed, apply them now.

            Compile the Lawson/TaxFactory API interface
            Run cmptfxora10 (as the Lawson user)
            (The Lawson delivered file $GENDIR/taxfactory/libtfxiface10.o must be present for the compile to work)
            You want to see the messages:
            Linking … successful link.
            Installing … successful install
            Loading … successful load
            If the script fails see the log file in $LAWDIR/system/cmptfora10.log
            Check the date/time of the recompiled interface in $GENDIR/lib/shared/

            Compile the Global Lawson runtime system
            Run cmprts (as the Lawson user)
            Check the date/time of $GENDIR/bin/lacobrts

            Bring up Lawson (startlaw)

            Verify the server installation:
            From LID, enter lapm prtf
            Refresh Version
            Click on the 4 buttons for US - each should return “OK”

            Log in to the TaxFactory client.
            Verify that the PRTF messages went into the Message Viewer and show the correct version and cyclic.
            Load the cyclic data file using the Tax Factory client.
            System Tools, Manual Update, browse to the Cyclic Data file (e.g. TFU10e.nrq), Process.
            Verify the number of records applied and if there were any rejects (by viewing the last page of the .upd report located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\TST1\temp”.

            Verify the last Cyclic bulletin applied to the Data Source.
            System Tools, Manual Update, View Summary.

            Apply any post-cyclic Regulatory bulletins.
            If there are Regulatory bulletins to be applied after the Cyclic has been installed, apply them now.
            Bring up WebSphere
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 49
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              Hello, has anyone successfully upgraded from Taxfactory 10 to 11 using BSI technical documentation? I have seen at least 3 different documents that all have 'upgrade instructions' but each seems to have them in different order. So, basically, we are stuck. We have a ticket with BSI for the last 4 days! No action yet.

              What is the right order? Run ClientInstall first before loading the new TF11 database or the other way around?
              Does anyone have a task list like the one above from BarbR (from 2015)?