IC239 - Forecast Variance
**Form Purpose
Run Forecast Variance (IC239) to print a report that compares actual usage
quantities to item forecast quantities. This program provides the option for
you to override the item location forecast number with another forecast
You can base actual usage quantities on sales, plus issue, transfer, and/or
adjustment transactions.
You can select the items printed on this report by location and/or report
group. You can also enter a beginning and ending period and year values. The
purpose of this report is to determine the effectiveness of the item forecasts
currently being used to calculate reorder points and reorder quantities in the
Inventory Control application.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the company.
ICFORECAST - Used to retrieve the forecast quantities.
ICHISTORY - Used to retrieve the actual historical quantities and amounts,
and then compare to the forecasts.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location code.
ICRPTGRP - Used to validate the report group.
ITEMLOC - Used to retrieve the forecast number for the item location.
ITEMMAST - Used to retrieve the item descriptions.
MAJORCL - Used to validate major class.
MINORCL - Used to validate minor class.