TX07.1 - Tax Usage Codes
Use TX07.1 to add tax usage codes for processing VAT returns.
Tax usage codes are used to keep statistics on the invoice amounts of goods
and services purchased for specific uses. Such statistics are required on some
VAT returns.
After a usage code is added, you can assign it to a tax code at a vendor or
vendor location level (Company button in AP10.1, Defaults tab, or Company
button in AP10.2). Whenever an invoice is released that contains a tax
distribution, the tax usage code is sent to the tax transaction record.
TX120 (VAT Returns Report Generation) will pull the information for this tax
transaction to a specific line on the VAT return if the tax usage code
specification entered for that line in TX06.2 (Codes for Report Line), along
with the rest of the criteria entered for this line in TX06.1 (Tax Report
Maintenance for VAT), matches that used in the tax transaction.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Maintains Checkpoint/Restart information.
TXUSAGECD - The main file updated by this program.
Referenced Files
TXCOMPANY - Validates the Tax company.