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                            AMASTITTRF FILE

                          Asset Item Transfer

This file contains historical asset item information related to transfers.


AM235     AMDL.1


AM135     AM154     AM30.1    AM30.2    AM300     AM115
AM125     AM15.1    AM15.2    AM15.3    AM15.4    AM170
AM20.1    AM20.2    AM20.3    AM20.4    AM20.5    AM20.6
AM21.1    AM21.2    AM21.3    AM21.4    AM21.5    AM21.6
AM330     AM500     AM551     AM96.1    AM98.1


ITR-ASSET              Numeric 10                                AM135   AM154
Element: Asset         Key field. This is the transfer-from      AM30.1  AM30.2
                       asset. The asset number contains up  to
                       ten numeric characters that uniquely
                       identify an asset. Assets are
                       automatically numbered system-wide.

ITR-TO-ASSET           Numeric 10                                AM135   AM154
Element: To Asset      This is the transfer-to asset. The        AM30.1  AM30.2
                       asset number contains up to ten numeric
                       characters that uniquely identify an
                       asset. Assets are automatically numbered

ITR-PROCESS-SEQ        Numeric 4                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Process SequenKey field. This is the sequence number    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       for this transfer process.

ITR-TRANSFER-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM135   AM154
Element: Transfer Date This is the date of the transfer.         AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-TRANSFER-TYPE      Alpha 1                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Transfer Type This is type of the transfer:             AM30.1  AM30.2
                       intracompany or intercompany

                       T = Intracompany
                       I = Intercompany

ITR-SEQ-NUMBER         Numeric 6                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Sequence NumbeA unique number assigned to each          AM30.1  AM30.2
                       transaction in the Lawson system. This
                       is the from-asset sequence number for
                       the transfer.

ITR-TO-SEQ-NUMBER      Numeric 6                                 AM135   AM154
Element: To Sequence NuA unique number assigned to each          AM30.1  AM30.2
                       transaction in the Lawson system. This
                       is the to-asset sequence number for the

ITR-ITEM-NBR           Alpha 32                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Item Number   The number assigned to the asset item.    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       The item number must be unique within an
                       asset, but can be duplicated from asset
                       to asset. The item number identifies an
                       item of an asset composed of different
                       elements but depreciated as a common
                       asset unit.

ITR-DESCRIPTION        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AM135   AM154
Element: Description   The item description.                     AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-PURCHASE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM135   AM154
Element: Purchase Date This is the purchase date for the         AM30.1  AM30.2
                       asset. The purchase date can be
                       different from the in-service dates used
                       for the depreciation books.

ITR-ITEM-QUANTITY      Numeric 8                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Item Quantity The number of units that make up the      AM30.1  AM30.2
                       from-asset item. Each unit of an item is
                       exactly the same as every other unit of
                       the item.

ITR-TO-IT-QUANTITY     Numeric 8                                 AM135   AM154
Element: To Item QuantiThe number of units that make up the      AM30.1  AM30.2
                       to-asset item. Each unit of an item
                       is exactly the same as every other unit
                       of the item.

ITR-ITEM-COST-BASE     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Item Cost BaseThis is the item cost in the base         AM30.1  AM30.2
                       currency for the from-asset.

ITR-TO-IT-CST-BASE     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Item Cost BThis is the item cost in the base         AM30.1  AM30.2
                       currency for the to-asset.

ITR-ITEM-TAX-BASE      Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Item Tax Base This is the item tax for the from-asset   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       in the base currency.

ITR-TO-IT-TAX-BASE     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Item Tax BaThis is the item tax for the to-asset     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       in the base currency.

ITR-ITEM-COST-TRAN     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Item Cost TranThis is the item cost for the             AM30.1  AM30.2
                       from-asset in the transaction currency.

ITR-TO-IT-CST-TRAN     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Item Cost T This is the item cost for the to-asset   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       in the transaction currency.

ITR-ITEM-TAX-TRAN      Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Item Tax Tran This is the item tax for the from-asset   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       in the transaction currency.

ITR-TO-IT-TAX-TRAN     Signed 15.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Item Tax TrThis is the item tax for the to-asset     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       in the transaction currency.

ITR-BASE-ND            Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Base Number of                                                   AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-TRAN-ND            Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Tran Number of                                                   AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-PO-NBR             Alpha 14                                  AM135
Element: PO Number     The purchase order number field is an
                       optional field for your reference. You
                       can enter the original purchase order
                       number on which this asset was included.

ITR-PO-RELEASE         Numeric 4                                 AM135
Element: PO Release    Used to identify a purchase order
                       release (created from a Blanket or
                       Standing order).

ITR-PO-CODE            Alpha 4                                   AM135
Element: PO Code       This is the purchase order code.

ITR-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AM135   AM154
Element: Vendor        The vendor's identification code.         AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-VENDOR-NAME        Alpha 30                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Vendor Name   This is the name of the vendor from       AM30.1  AM30.2
                       whom the asset was purchased.

ITR-INVOICE            Alpha 22                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Invoice       This is the invoice identifier.           AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-SUFFIX             Numeric 3                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Suffix        This is the suffix for the invoice.       AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-DIST-SEQ-NBR       Numeric 4                                 AM135   AM154
Distribution           This is the distribution sequence         AM30.1  AM30.2
Sequence Number        number for the item.

ITR-MODEL-NUMBER       Alpha 30                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Model Number  This is model number of the item.         AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-SERIAL-NUMBER      Alpha 30                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Serial Number This is the serial number of the item.    AM30.1  AM30.2

ITR-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Activity      This is the activity associated with      AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the asset. Activities are the processes
                       or procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity. Activities and
                       cost object activities are used
                       synonymously in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. Direct costs are
                       posted to activities, and indirect costs
                       are allocated to activities based on
                       activity drivers.

ITR-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Account CategoThis is the account category associated
                       with the asset. Account categories are
                       groupings of costs, revenues, or a
                       combination of both used for reporting
                       and inquiries for activities in the
                       Lawson Activity Management system. All
                       transactions are  posted to an account
                       category within an activity. You can
                       assign a specific General Ledger account
                       or range of accounts (company,
                       accounting unit, account, and
                       subaccount) that make up the
                       transactions posted to an account

ITR-BAR-CODE           Alpha 30                                  AM154
Element: Bar Code      This field contains the asset item bar

ITR-LOC-DTL            Alpha 14                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Loc Dtl       This field contains the asset item        AM30.1  AM30.2
                       detail location bar code.

ITR-TO-LOC-DTL         Alpha 14                                  AM135   AM154
Element: To Loc Dtl    This field contains the location detail   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       bar code to which the item is being

                         AMASTITTRF FILE INDEX


ITRSET1   ASSET                                                  AM115   AM125
          PROCESS-SEQ                                            AM135   AM15.1
          SEQ-NUMBER                                             AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM235
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM300   AM330
                                                                 AM500   AM551
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ITRSET2   ASSET                                                  AMDL.1

                         AMASTITTRF FILE RELATIONS



Amastitem      AMASTITEM    Required

                            ITR-ASSET         -> ASI-ASSET
                            ITR-SEQ-NUMBER    -> ASI-SEQ-NUMBER