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                             ACIFTEMPL FILE


AC70.1    AC71.1


AC56.1    AC560


ATE-RUN-GROUP          Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Run Group     Run Group and Seq Number are the keys
                       to the file.  They should be used to
                       group records together for interfacing.

ATE-ACTIVITY-GRP       Alpha 15                                  AC56.1  AC560
Element: Activity Grp  The activity group is the overall

ATE-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Activity      Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity.

ATE-GRP-DESC           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AC56.1  AC560
Element: Description   This field displays the description.

ATE-GRP-TEMPLATE       Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-ACT-DESC           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AC56.1
Element: Description   This field displays the description.

ATE-ACT-TEMPLATE       Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-PARENT-ACTV        Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Parent Actv   The parent activity field contains the
                       activity name of the member parent.

ATE-POSTING-FLAG       Alpha 1                                   AC56.1
Element: Posting Flag  P = Posting
                       S = Summary
                       C = Contract

ATE-LEVEL-DEPTH        Numeric 1                                 AC56.1
Element: Level Depth   The number of variable levels
                       to this record.

ATE-ACT-ATTR-TEMPL     Alpha 12                                  AC56.1
Element: Name User

ATE-COPY-FROM-AG       Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Activity Grp  The activity group is the overall

ATE-COPY-FROM-ACT      Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Activity      Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity.

ATE-CONTRACT           Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Contract      Activity Management contract.

ATE-CNT-DESC           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AC56.1
Element: Description   This field displays the description.

ATE-CNT-TEMPLATE       Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-CNT-TYPE           Alpha 1                                   AC56.1
Element: Revenue Mthd  1 = Product
                       2 = Maintenance
                       3 = Product and Maintenance
                       4 = Services

ATE-CNT-ACCT-TEMP      Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-AR-COMPANY         Numeric 4                                 AC56.1
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

ATE-AR-CUSTOMER        Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AC56.1
Element: Customer      This field contains the number that
                       represents a customer.

ATE-CUST-TEMPLATE      Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-AC-CUSTOMER-ID     Alpha 5                                   AC56.1
Element: Ac Customer Id

ATE-AG-CURRENCY        Alpha 5                                   AC56.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base
                       currency code established in Company
                       (GL10.1 ).

ATE-ACT-CURRENCY       Alpha 5                                   AC56.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base
                       currency code established in Company
                       (GL10.1 ).

ATE-DFLT-COMPANY       Numeric 4                                 AC56.1
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

ATE-DFLT-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Acct Unit     The accounting unit is a shorthand
                       notation representing the variable level
                       number. When used in the General Ledger
                       Account Master file, the accounting unit
                       must be defined in the General Ledger
                       Names file as a posting accounting unit.

ATE-DFLT-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 AC56.1
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

ATE-DFLT-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 AC56.1
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

ATE-BEGIN-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AC56.1
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

ATE-END-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AC56.1
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

ATE-CNT-CURRENCY       Alpha 5                                   AC56.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base
                       currency code established in Company
                       (GL10.1 ).

ATE-FIXED-EXCHANGE     Alpha 1                                   AC56.1
Element: Fixed Exchange

ATE-EXCHANGE-RATE      Signed 14.7                               AC56.1
Element: Acct Rate

ATE-CUST-PO-NBR        Alpha 22                                  AC56.1
Element: Cust Po Nbr

ATE-BANK-INST-CODE     Alpha 3                                   AC56.1
Element: Bank Inst CodeA transaction code represents a type of
                       cash payment, bill of exchange payment,
                       or bank service transaction.

ATE-MAINT-RENEW-DT     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AC56.1
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

ATE-GRP-ATTR-TEMPL     Alpha 12                                  AC56.1
Element: Name User

ATE-GRP-POP-TEMPL      Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

ATE-ACT-POP-TEMPL      Alpha 15                                  AC56.1
Element: Template      The name of the template the detail
                       records are associated to.

                         ACIFTEMPL FILE INDEX


ATESET1   RUN-GROUP                                              AC56.1  AC560
          ACTIVITY-GRP                                           AC70.1  AC71.1

ATESET2   RUN-GROUP     KeyChange                                AC560