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                            EMDISTMAST FILE

                     Emp Acct Distribution Override

This file contains information for overriding, by percent, the normal
distribution of wages and company-paid deduction expenses by pay code,
company-paid deduction, or employee. The system uses the records to determine
the scheme for creating General Ledger Transaction File and Employee Payment
Distribution file records when you close the payroll cycle.

Records can include pay codes or deductions. If you do not enter either a pay
code or a deduction, the override distribution is referred to as an employee
override distribution and the distribution of wages and company-paid deduction
expenses follows the same pattern. PR23.1 (Payroll Distribution) is the
primary program that updates this file. PR199 (Payroll Close) and PR150
(Distribution Edit) are the primary programs that reference this file for
calculating distributions.


BN150     BN305     ET530     ETI2.1    HR00.1    HR01.1
HR02.1    HR511     LP130     PA100     PA102     PA13.1
PA13.2    PA513     PA52.1    PA52.3    PA52.4    PA52.5
PR110     PR113     PR120     PR128     PR13.1    PR13.5
PR13.6    PR13.8    PR130     PR131     PR132     PR134
PR136     PR189     PR195     PR223     PR29.1    PR32.2
PR33.2    PR33.3    PR35.1    PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4
PR35.5    PR35.6    PR35.8    PR35.9    PR36.1    PR45.1
PR529     PR530     PR560     PR80.1    PR82.1    UK102
UK560     TA147     PA182     PR197     PR85.1


PR23.1    PR23.3    HR11.1    PA02.1    PA115     PA302


DIP-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Company Hr

DIP-EMPLOYEE           Numeric 9                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Employee      Valid in the Employee file.

DIP-PAY-CODE           Alpha 4                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Pay Code      Contains the pay code. A pay code is a
                       user-defined code that identifies a kind
                       of pay.

DIP-DED-CODE           Alpha 4                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Ded Code      Valid in the Deduction file as a
                       company-paid deduction (deduction Adjust
                       Pay field = C).

DIP-SEQ-NBR            Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Seq Nbr       Contains the distribution sequence
                       number. The value in this field is
                       automatically sequenced based on the
                       last employee distribution sequence

DIP-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Process Lev HrContains the process level. The system
                       uses this field when creating Employee
                       Payment Distribution file records. The
                       system does not use this field when
                       creating General Ledger Transaction File

DIP-DEPARTMENT         Alpha 5                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Department    Contains the department. The system
                       uses this field when creating Employee
                       Payment Distribution file records. The
                       system does not use this field when
                       creating General Ledger Transaction File

DIP-DST-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Acct Unit     Contains the accounting unit to which
                       the amount is posted. The accounting
                       unit in this field together with the
                       account and subaccount must be valid in
                       the General Ledger Account file.

DIP-DST-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Account       Contains the general ledger account to
                       which the amount is posted.

DIP-DST-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Sub Acct      Contains the general ledger subaccount
                       to which the amount is posted.

DIP-DIST-COMPANY       Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

DIP-PERCENT            Signed 7.3                                PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Percent       Contains the distribution percent.

DIP-JOB-CODE           Alpha 9                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Job Code      Contains the job code the system uses
                       when creating the Employee Payment
                       Distribution file record. The system
                       does not use this field when creating GL
                       Transactions file records.

DIP-OT-ACCOUNT         Numeric 6                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Account       Contains the accounting unit for the
                       premium expense distribution override.

DIP-OT-SUB-ACCT        Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Sub Acct      Contains the subaccount for the premium
                       expense distribution override.

DIP-SH-ACCOUNT         Numeric 6                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Account       Contains the account number for the
                       shift expense distribution override.

DIP-SH-SUB-ACCT        Numeric 4                                 PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Sub Acct      Contains the subaccount number for the
                       shift expense distribution override.

DIP-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Activity      Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity.

DIP-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Acct Category Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                       Valid account category types are:
                       pass thru

DIP-POSITION           Alpha 12                                  PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Position      Contains the user-defined code that
                       represents a position in the company.

DIP-CREATE-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Date Stamp    This field contains the server date
                       (month, date, and year) of the last
                       change to this record.

DIP-CREATE-TIME        Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                       PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Time Stamp    Contains the server time (hour, minute,
                       and second) when the record was last

DIP-CREATE-USER-ID     Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: User Id       Contains the user ID of the person who
                       last changed this record.

DIP-DATE-STAMP         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Date Stamp    This field contains the server date
                       (month, date, and year) of the last
                       change to this record.

DIP-TIME-STAMP         Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                       PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: Time Stamp    Contains the server time (hour, minute,
                       and second) when the record was last

DIP-USER-ID            Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    PR23.1  PR23.3
Element: User Id       Contains the user ID of the person who
                       last changed this record.

                         EMDISTMAST FILE INDEX


DIPSET1   COMPANY                                                BN150   BN305
          EMPLOYEE                                               ET530   ETI2.1
          POSITION                                               HR00.1  HR01.1
          PAY-CODE                                               HR02.1  HR11.1
          DED-CODE                                               HR11.2  HR511
          SEQ-NBR                                                LP130   PA02.1
                                                                 PA100   PA102
                                                                 PA115   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA302
                                                                 PA502   PA513
                                                                 PA52.1  PA52.3
                                                                 PA52.4  PA52.5
                                                                 PR110   PR113
                                                                 PR120   PR128
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5

DIPSET2   COMPANY       Subset                                   ET530   PA182
          EMPLOYEE      Where (EMPLOYEE != Zeroes )              PR195   PR197
          PAY-CODE*                                              PR82.1  PR85.1

DIPSET3   COMPANY       Subset                                   ET530   PA182
          POSITION      Where (EMPLOYEE = Zeroes )               PR195   PR197
          PAY-CODE*                                              PR82.1  PR85.1

                         EMDISTMAST FILE RELATIONS



Acct Category  ACACCTCAT    Required
                            When DIP-ACCT-CATEGORY != Spaces

                            DIP-ACCT-CATEGORY    -> AAX-ACCT-CATEGORY

Activity       ACACTIVITY   Required
                            When DIP-ACTIVITY != Spaces

                            DIP-ACTIVITY         -> ACV-ACTIVITY

Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Deduction Code DEDCODE      Required
                            When DIP-DED-CODE != Spaces

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> DDC-COMPANY
                            DIP-DED-CODE         -> DDC-DED-CODE

Department     DEPTCODE     Required
                            When DIP-DEPARTMENT != Spaces

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> DPT-COMPANY
                            DIP-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> DPT-PROCESS-LEVEL
                            DIP-DEPARTMENT       -> DPT-DEPARTMENT

Dist Company   GLSYSTEM     Required
                            When DIP-DIST-COMPANY != Zeroes

                            DIP-DIST-COMPANY     -> GLS-COMPANY

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required
                            When (DIP-EMPLOYEE != Zeroes )

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            DIP-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Gl Acct Nbr    GLMASTER     Required

                            DIP-DIST-COMPANY     -> GLM-COMPANY
                            DIP-DST-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            DIP-DST-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            DIP-DST-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Job Code       JOBCODE      Required
                            When DIP-JOB-CODE != Spaces

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> JBC-COMPANY
                            DIP-JOB-CODE         -> JBC-JOB-CODE

Ot Account     GLMASTER     Required
                            When DIP-OT-ACCOUNT != Zeroes

                            DIP-DIST-COMPANY     -> GLM-COMPANY
                            DIP-DST-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            DIP-OT-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            DIP-OT-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Pay Code       PRPAYCODE    Required
                            When DIP-PAY-CODE != Spaces

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> PCD-COMPANY
                            DIP-PAY-CODE         -> PCD-PAY-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PCD-PROCESS-LEVEL
                            Spaces               -> PCD-JOB-CODE

Process Level  PRSYSTEM     Required
                            When DIP-PROCESS-LEVEL != Spaces

                            DIP-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            DIP-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Sh Account     GLMASTER     Required
                            When DIP-SH-ACCOUNT != Zeroes

                            DIP-DIST-COMPANY     -> GLM-COMPANY
                            DIP-DST-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            DIP-SH-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            DIP-SH-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT