Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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                             MACINVAOC FILE


MA54.1    MA54.7    MA540


MAO-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the          MA540
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

MAO-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Vendor        The vendor's identification code.         MA540

MAO-EDI-NBR            Alpha 15                                  MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Edi Nbr                                                 MA540

MAO-INVOICE            Alpha 22                                  MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Invoice       Used to identify the invoice.             MA540

MAO-SUFFIX             Numeric 3                                 MA540
Element: Suffix        This is the suffix for the invoice.

MAO-SEQ-NBR            Numeric 4                                 MA54.7  MA540
Element: Seq Nbr       An automatically assigned sequence

MAO-LINE-NBR           Numeric 6                                 MA54.7  MA540
Element: Line Nbr      This field contains the line number.

MAO-PO-NUMBER          Alpha 14  (Right Justified)               MA540
Element: Po Number     This field contains the number
                       representing the purchase order.

MAO-PO-RELEASE         Numeric 4                                 MA540
Element: Po Release    Used to identify a purchase order
                       release (created from a Blanket or
                       Standing order).

MAO-PO-CODE            Alpha 4                                   MA540
Element: Po Code       This is the purchase order code.

MAO-AOC-CODE           Alpha 2                                   MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Aoc Code      This field contains the identifier for    MA540
                       the add on cost associated with this
                       line item.

MAO-ENT-AOC-AMOUNT     Signed 18.2                               MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Intl Amt                                                MA540

MAO-DST-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Acct Unit     The accounting unit is a shorthand        MA540
                       notation representing the variable level
                       number. When used in the General Ledger
                       Account Master file, the accounting unit
                       must be defined in the General Ledger
                       Names file as a posting accounting unit.

MAO-DST-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting      MA540
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

MAO-DST-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from   MA540
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

MAO-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Activity      Activities are the processes or           MA540
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity.

MAO-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Acct Category Account categories are groupings of       MA540
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                       Valid account category types are:
                       pass thru

MAO-BILL-CATEGORY      Alpha 32                                  MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Bill Category                                           MA540

MAO-PURCH-FR-LOC       Alpha 4                                   MA540
Element: Purch Fr Loc  The vendor's purchase from location.

MAO-LOCATION           Alpha 5                                   MA540
Element: Location      This field contains a valid stocking
                       location within the company inventory.

MAO-AOC-RATE           Percent 7.3  (Percent)                    MA540
Element: Aoc Rate      Add On Cost Percentage Rate. If add on
                       cost is spread by rate, this value times
                       the line unit cost is the unit add on
                       cost for the PO line.

MAO-ENTRY              Alpha 1                                   MA540
Element: Entry         Amount Entry Method.

MAO-QUANTITY           Signed 13.4                               MA54.7  MA540
Element: Quantity      This field contains the desired

MAO-UNIT-COST          Signed 18.5                               MA540
Element: Intl Cost

MAO-TOTAL-AOC          Signed 18.2                               MA540
Element: Intl Amt

MAO-ELEMENT-VAL        Alpha 32 Occurs 10 Times                  MA540
Element: Element Value

MAO-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  MA540
Element: Tax Code      This field contains a code representing
                       specific tax information.  This must be
                       valid Tax Code.

MAO-TAXABLE-FLAG       Alpha 1                                   MA540
Element: Taxable Flag  Defines if Taxable.
                       Y = yES
                       N = No

MAO-TAX-USAGE-CD       Alpha 10                                  MA540
Element: Tax Usage Cd  The tax usage coe for the vendor.  This
                       filed is required if the AP Company
                       inidcates that VAT reporting required.

MAO-LANDED-FLAG        Numeric 1                                 MA540
Element: Landed Flag   This field notes it the AOC is to be
                       landed based on the AOC code.  Landed
                       would denote that the AOC will take on
                       the attributes of the goods line,
                       account, qty etc.
                       0 = No
                       1 = Landed

MAO-LAND-UNIT-CST      Signed 18.5                               MA540
Element: Intl Cost

MAO-AOC-ON-PO          Alpha 1                                   MA540
Element: Aoc On Po     Indicates if the add-on cost is to
                       appear on the Purchase Order document
                       that is issued to the vendor.

MAO-SUMMARY-FLAG       Alpha 1                                   MA540
Element: Summary Flag  Defines if add on cost is printed in
                       summary or at a detail level on the
                       Lawson Purchase Order document.

MAO-ZERO-COST-FLG      Alpha 1                                   MA540
Element: Zero Cost Flg Defines if this tax record is allowed
                       to have a  zero unit cost.

MAO-CANCELLED-FL       Alpha 1
Element: All Flag

MAO-CLOSED-FL          Alpha 1
Element: Closed Fl     The Closed Flag.

MAO-INV-SPRD-CRET      Numeric 1                                 MA540
Element: Inv Sprd Cret Defines if record was created during PO
                       invoice spread.

MAO-ACCR-TAX-AMT       Signed 18.2                               MA540
Element: Intl Amt

MAO-EXT-TAX-AMT        Signed 18.2                               MA540
Element: Intl Amt

MAO-BL-INVC-AMT        Signed 18.2                               MA540
Element: Intl Amt

MAO-XREF-VENDOR        Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Element: Xref Vendor   This is a vendor that is supported on a
                       system outside Lawson.  When records are
                       interfaces we will maintain this vendor
                       on the file but we will use the Lawson
                       vendor while in the lawson application.

MAO-MATCH-REF-NBR      Alpha 22                                  MA540
Element: Match Ref Nbr

MAO-INV-TAX-AMOUNT     Signed 18.2                               MA540
Element: Intl Amt      Tax amount on the invoice

MAO-SEGMENT-BLOCK      Alpha 103                                 MA54.1  MA54.7
Element: Segment Block This field identifies the user analysis   MA540
                       values included in the transaction.

                       You can either type up to four values
                       or use Define (F6) to open the User
                       Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
                       to select the user analysis values you
                       want to include in the transaction. If
                       you choose to type values, use commas to
                       separate them. For example:

                       There are three conditions that affect
                       how you can select user analysis values.
                       See the User Analysis Entry form help or
                       the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
                       for additional information.

Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base
                       currency code established in Company
                       (GL10.1 ).

MAO-REC-CNV-RATE       Signed 14.7
Element: Ent Cnv Rate  Currency conversion rate at Purchase
                       Order entry time.

                         MACINVAOC FILE INDEX


MAOSET1   COMPANY                                                MA54.1  MA54.7
          VENDOR                                                 MA540