we are currently looking to scan our invoices in on ap20 with a url attachment. Has anyone done this and if so what pitfalls have you found?
We are currently looking to use document image for the url housing and are 8.03 apps-8.03 env. WE are getting ready to move to LSF9.
We scan our invoices using Perceptive Softwares scanning. What we have done is created a Design Studio form for AP90 that uses the index values to pull up the image.
I don't like to promote any one software company but I saw a demo on this with MHC Software (A Lawson partner) a couple months ago. I thought it was pretty slick. You can scan an invoice while at the AP20 screen and the system will auto-index the image based on the data in the AP20 fields. A link is created at AP90 and I think at AP20 as well. This is also available for PO30 (packing slips), PO20 (purchase orders) and HR11 (employee). $75,000 base price + $3000 for each capture module.