IPA and AP05.3

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    Anyone have success with IPA and adding distribution records. I have the node setup and the fields all set via SQL. The first record will add just fine, however the second will error (AGS) with "Distribution Code Already Exists". I know the method is "ADD" and unlike excel upload there is no "ADD then Change".  Anyone have correct methofd for doing this?


    Ragu Raghavan
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 472
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      If you can copy/paste the AGS call, maybe somebody will see something obvious
      John Henley
      Posts: 3353
        For header/detail forms, I find the easiest thing to do is start with the ADD for the header, and then add the lines using a CHG but with a Line FC = A. In other words, use two different AGS calls--one for the header, and a second for the details. Don't try to get fancy.
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          John Henley - Thats exactly what I ended up doing, however had to get a little fancy. Records live in a SQL DB, 1 Table, 1 row = HDR and Detail data. You cannot add the header without 1 detail row with the Lawson transaction node, AP05.3. The SQL row numbers the data rolling on COMPANY,DIST_CODE. I add all the headers where ROW =1. Then with another SQL/Transaction node I add all the rows ROW <> 1. Worked as it should.