On a related topic - does anyone have a listing showing which L_ tables are linked to which forms or at the very the system they correspond to? Thanks, Sherry Shimek Catholic Health Initiatives
Posted By Sherry on 05/23/2011 03:03 PM On a related topic - does anyone have a listing showing which L_ tables are linked to which forms or at the very the system they correspond to? Thanks, Sherry Shimek Catholic Health Initiatives I have a security tool/examiner that, among other things, includes the ability to quickly see tables/system codes, etc. and includes the prefix and whether or not the table has attachments. https://www.danalytics.co...ecurityExaminer.aspx
I have a security tool/examiner that, among other things, includes the ability to quickly see tables/system codes, etc. and includes the prefix and whether or not the table has attachments. https://www.danalytics.co...ecurityExaminer.aspx
With grpcmt as ( select L_index, atchnbr from L_DPCR group by L_index, atchnbr having count(*) < 2 ), PODMT AS ( select lp2.L_index, lp2.atchnbr, (select lp1.object from L_DPCR lp1 where lp1.l_index = lp2.l_index and lp1.atchnbr = lp2.atchnbr and lp1.seqnbr = 00) || rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(e,((lp2.OBJECT)),',').extract('//text()') order by seqnbr).GetClobVal(),',') as CMT FROM L_DPCR lp2 where lp2.seqnbr > 00 group by lp2.L_index, lp2.atchnbr union all select gmt.L_index, gmt.atchnbr, TO_CLOB(dp.object) as CMT from L_DPCR dp left OUTER join grpcmt gmt on dp.L_index = gmt.L_index and dp.atchnbr = gmt.atchnbr ), POCMT AS ( SELECT PCR.COMPANY, PCR.PO_NUMBER, TRIM(SUBSTR(L_HPCR.OBJECT,L_HPCR.HEADSIZE+1,L_HPCR.R_SIZE) || POD.CMT) CMT, L_HPCR.R_NAME, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY L_HPCR.L_INDEX ORDER BY L_HPCR.L_INDEX, L_HPCR.ATCHNBR) rn, L_HPCR.L_INDEX, L_HPCR.atchnbr FROM PURCHORDER PCR INNER JOIN L_HPCR ON PCR.L_INDEX = L_HPCR.L_INDEX LEFT OUTER JOIN PODMT POD ON PCR.L_INDEX = POD.L_INDEX and POD.atchnbr = L_HPCR.atchnbr ) select * from POCMT where PO_NUMBER = {?Hponumber}