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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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                            AMASSETINV FILE

This is Asset Item Adjustment Interface file used to adjust existing assets.
This file  must be run and be keyed by Run Group, Asset Number, and Sequence.
This file  is processed by AM51.




AM51.1    AM551


ITN-RUN-GROUP        Alpha 15                                    AM51.1
Run Group            Run Group and Seq Number are the keys
                     to the file.  They should be used to
                     group records together for interfacing.

ITN-ASSET            Numeric 10                                  AM51.1
Asset Number         The asset number contains up to ten
                     numeric characters that uniquely
                     identify an asset. Assets are
                     automatically numbered system-wide.

ITN-SEQ-NUMBER       Numeric 6                                   AM51.1
Record Sequence      A unique number assigned to each
Number               transaction to be transferred into the
                     Lawson system.

ITN-ITEM-NBR         Alpha 32                                    AM51.1
Item Nbr             The item number of an asset composed of
                     different elements, but depreciated as a
                     common asset unit.

ITN-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AM51.1
Description          This field displays the description.

ITN-PURCHASE-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AM51.1
Purchase Date        The date the asset was purchased. This
                     purchased date can be different from the
                     in-service dates for the depreciation
                     books used.

ITN-ITEM-QUANTITY    Numeric 8                                   AM51.1
Item Quantity        The number of units that make up the
                     asset item. Each unit of an item is
                     exactly the same as every other unit of
                     the item.

ITN-ITEM-COST-BASE   Signed 15.2                                 AM51.1
Item Cost Base

ITN-ITEM-TAX-BASE    Signed 15.2                                 AM51.1
Item Tax Base

ITN-ITEM-COST-TRAN   Signed 15.2                                 AM51.1
Item Cost Tran

ITN-ITEM-TAX-TRAN    Signed 15.2                                 AM51.1
Item Tax Tran

ITN-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AM51.1
Base Number Of       The number of decimal positions defined
Decimals             for the company base currency.

ITN-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   AM51.1
Transaction Number   The number of decimal positions defined
of Decimals          for the transaction currency.

ITN-PO-NBR           Alpha 14                                    AM51.1
PO Number            The purchase order number field is an
                     optional field for your reference. It is
                     assumed to contain the original purchase
                     order number on which this asset was

ITN-PO-RELEASE       Numeric 4                                   AM51.1
PO Release Number    Used to identify a purchase order
                     release (created from a Blanket or
                     Standing order).

ITN-PO-CODE          Alpha 4                                     AM51.1
Po Code              This is the purchase order code.

ITN-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AM51.1
Vendor ID            The vendor's identification code.

ITN-VENDOR-NAME      Alpha 30                                    AM51.1
Vendor Name          The requester can enter the recommended
                     vendor's name for the requested items.

ITN-INVOICE          Alpha 22                                    AM51.1
Invoice Number       Used to identify the invoice.

ITN-MODEL-NUMBER     Alpha 30                                    AM51.1
Model Number

ITN-SERIAL-NUMBER    Alpha 30                                    AM51.1
Serial Number        This optional field is used for the
                     serial number of the asset.

ITN-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15                                    AM51.1
Activity             Activities are the processes or
                     procedures that produce work. Cost
                     objects (products, services, customers,
                     and so on) are the reasons for
                     performing the activity.

ITN-ACCT-CATEGORY    Alpha 5                                     AM51.1
Account Category     Account categories are groupings of
                     costs, revenues, or a combination of
                     both used for reporting and inquiries
                     for activities in the Activity
                     Management system. All transactions are
                     posted to an account category within an
                     activity. You can assign a specific
                     General Ledger account or range of
                     accounts (company, accounting unit,
                     account, and subaccount) that make up
                     the transactions posted to an account
                     category using AC07.1 (Account

                     Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                     life-to-date balances are maintained by
                     account category for activities. Account
                     categories must be assigned to
                     activities before you do any budgeting
                     or transaction processing.

ITN-ADD-TO-BASIS     Alpha 1                                     AM51.1
Add To Basis         Indicate whether the item cost should be
                     added to the asset's cost basis.

ITN-COMPUTE          Alpha 1                                     AM51.1
Compute              Select Yes to assign the entire catch-up
                      depreciation amount to the current
                     period when  you are adding an asset
                     with an in-service date in a previous
                     period or year. If you select No, the
                     catch-up depreciation is spread over the
                     remaining periods in the year. Valid
                     options are:
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

ITN-BAR-CODE         Alpha 30                                    AM51.1
Bar Code             This field contains the asset item bar
                     code number.

ITN-LOCATION-NAME    Alpha 15                                    AM51.1
Location Name        A user-defined location name which
                     represents where an asset is physically
                     located. Locations are used to report
                     asset information.

ITN-LOC-DTL          Alpha 14                                    AM51.1
Loc Dtl              This field contains the location detail
                     for the item.

                         AMASSETINV FILE INDEX


ITNSET1   RUN-GROUP                                              AM251   AM51.1
          ASSET                                                  AM551
