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                            APCPAYMENT FILE

                       Invoice Payment Interface

The Invoice Payment Conversion file is used by the Invoice Interface program
to convert or interface optional split invoice payments to the Lawson Accounts
Payable system. When you run AP520 (Invoice Interface), the system reads
records in this file for conversion or interface to the Invoice Payment file.
When Invoice Payment Conversion records are successfully converted or
interfaced, they are deleted from this file. You can use AP52.2 (Multiple
Payment Interface) to add records to this file or maintain records already
loaded into this file before conversion or interface to the Lawson Accounts
Payable system.


AP52.1    AP52.2    AP520     AP305


CVP-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AP52.2
Company              Required. The company number. Must be a
                     valid record in the Accounts Payable
                     Company file.

CVP-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP52.2
Vendor ID            The vendor number. Must be a valid
                     record in the Vendor file. This field is
                     required unless a value is present in
                     the EDI Number field.

CVP-EDI-NBR          Alpha 15                                    AP52.2
EDI Number           The vendor's electronic data
                     interchange (EDI) number.

CVP-INVOICE          Alpha 22                                    AP52.2
Invoice Number       Required. A unique invoice number for
                     the vendor.

CVP-SUFFIX           Numeric 3                                   AP52.2
Invoice Suffix       The occurrence value of the invoice.

CVP-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   AP52.2
Sequence Number      A unique sequence number for this
                     payment record. Valid values are 1
                     through 9999. If left blank, the system
                     numbers each split invoice payment
                     record beginning with 1.

CVP-DUE-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP52.2
Due Date             Required. The due date of the invoice
                     payment record. Used to schedule the
                     invoice payment record for payment.

CVP-TRAN-PMT-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 AP52.2
Payment Amount       Required. The split invoice payment
                     amount in the currency of the invoice.

CVP-TRAN-DISC-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP52.2
Discount Amount      The discount amount of the invoice
                     payment record in the currency of the

CVP-TRAN-INC-WH      Signed 15.2                                 AP52.2
Income Withholding   The amount of the invoice withheld.

CVP-TRAN-INC-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 AP52.2
Reportable Income    The reportable income amount for the
Amount               invoice payment record. If left blank
                     and an Income Code is assigned to the
                     invoice, the reportable income amount is
                     the Invoice Amount less the discount

CVP-DISCOUNT-RT      Percent 5.3  (Percent)                      AP52.2
Discount Rate        The rate used to calculate the discount
                     amount of the invoice payment. Required
                     if Discount Date is present.

CVP-DISC-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP52.2
Discount Date        The last date the discount can be
                     taken. Required if Discount Rate is

CVP-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   AP52.2
Record Status        The payment record status. Valid values

                     0 = Unreleased. The split invoice
                     payment is not available for payment.

                     1 = Released (open). The split invoice
                     payment is available for payment.

                     9 = History. The split invoice payment
                     is paid and closed.

CVP-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 AP52.2
Payment Number       The payment number used to pay the
                     split invoice payment. Required only for
                     historical status split invoice payment
                     records. If entered, the Payment Code
                     assigned to the split invoice payment
                     must be a valid cash payment type
                     transaction code record in the Bank
                     Transaction Code file.

                     Note: If you are converting a
                     historical status split invoice payment
                     and want to link associated payment
                     (check) records to the invoice, you must
                     run CB500 (Bank Transaction Interface)
                     to convert payment records before you
                     convert associated invoices.

CVP-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     AP52.2  AP520
Payment Code         The bank transaction code associated
                     with the invoice payment record.
                     Represents a type of cash or bill of
                     exchange payment. Required for
                     historical status invoice payment
                     records. If left blank for an unreleased
                     or released (open) status invoice
                     payment record, the payment code
                     assigned to the invoice conversion
                     record, vendor, vendor class, or pay
                     group defaults. Must be a valid cash
                     payment or bill of exchange payment type
                     bank transaction code record in the Bank
                     Transaction Code file.

CVP-CHECK-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP52.2
Payment Date         The payment date. Valid only for
                     historical status invoice payment

CVP-DISC-LOST-FLG    Alpha 1                                     AP52.2
Discount Lost        Indicates whether the available
                     discount for the split invoice payment
                     was lost. Valid only for historical
                     status invoice payment records. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No. Default value. The available
                     discount was taken.
                     Y = Yes. The available discount was

CVP-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AP52.2
Cash Code            The cash code assigned to the split
                     invoice payment. Represents a bank
                     account. Must be a valid record in the
                     Cash Code file. If left blank, the cash
                     code assigned to the remit-to location,
                     vendor, vendor class, process level,
                     company, or pay group defaults.

CVP-SEP-CHK-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     AP52.2
Separate Payment     Indicates whether the split invoice
Option               payment requires a separate payment
                     form. If left blank, the separate
                     payment option defined for the vendor
                     defaults. Valid values are:

                     Y = Yes.
                     N = No.

CVP-PAY-IMM-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     AP52.2
Pay Immediately      Indicates whether the split invoice
Option               payment will be selected for immediate
                     payment regardless of the due date.
                     Valid values are:

                     N = No. Default value.
                     Y = Yes.

CVP-INVOICE-GROUP    Alpha 4                                     AP52.2
Invoice Group        The invoice group assigned to the
                     invoice. An invoice group is a
                     user-defined character expression that
                     can be assigned to one more invoices.
                     AP150 (Cash Requirements) has an option
                     to select all invoices assigned the same
                     invoice group. If blank, the invoice
                     group defaults from the vendor, if

CVP-ENCLOSURE        Alpha 1                                     AP52.2
Enclosure            Indicates whether the split invoice
                     payment requires an enclosure with its
                     payment. If you select Yes, you have the
                     option to group payments that require
                     enclosures when you run AP150 (Cash
                     Requirements). Valid values are:

                     N = No. Default value.
                     Y = Yes.

CVP-INCOME-CODE      Alpha 4                                     AP52.2
Income Code          The income code assigned to the split
                     invoice payment. Represents a type of
                     reportable income. Must be valid record
                     in the Income Code file. If left blank,
                     the income code assigned to the vendor
                     or vendor class, if assigned, defaults.

CVP-BANK-CHK-AMT     Signed 15.2
Bank Payment Amount  The amount of the payment in the
                     currency of the cash code (bank
                     account). Used for historical status
                     payment records only.

CVP-BANK-ND          Numeric 1
Bank Currency Nbr    The number of decimal positions defined
of Decimals          for the bank account currency assigned
                     to the cash code. Used for historical
                     status payments only.

CVP-BNK-CNV-RATE     Signed 12.6
Bank Currency        The exchange rate used to convert the
Exchange Rate        payment amount from the invoice currency
                     to the bank account currency. Used for
                     historical status payments only.

Income Withholding   A user-defined code representing a
Code                 general ledger income withholding
                     accrual account.

Record Error         Indicates if an error was found during
                     conversion and if the error has been
                     corrected. Valid values are:

                     Y = Error found
                     N = No error found or error corrected

                         APCPAYMENT FILE INDEX


CVPSET1   COMPANY       This index is used to access multiple    AP305   AP52.1
          VENDOR        invoice payment conversion or interface  AP52.2  AP520
          EDI-NBR       records.