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                             DTCASHING FILE

                        AR Bank Cashing Charges

The AR Bank Cashing Charges file contains expenses associated with a bank
account (cash code).


DT180     DT181     DT80.4    DT90.3


DTS-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     DT80.4  DT90.3
Cash Code            A cash code represents a specific bank
                     account at a bank location. Must be a
                     valid record in the Cash Ledger Cash Cod

DTS-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     DT80.4  DT90.3
Payment Code         The bank service transaction code used
                     to identify the type of expenses. Must
                     be a valid record in the Cash Ledger
                     Bank Transaction  Code file.

DTS-TRAN-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DT80.4  DT90.3
GL Posting Date      The general ledger posting date
                     assigned to the charges.

DTS-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Sequence Number      This field contains the sequence
                     number, which is incremented if
                     duplicate records exist when a new
                     record is created.

DTS-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company. Must be a valid
                     record in the AR Company file.

DTS-TRAN-EXP-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 DT80.4  DT90.3
Base Currency        The amount of the bank expense in the
Expense Amount       company base currency.

DTS-ORIG-EXP-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 DT80.4  DT90.3
Transaction Curr     The amount of the bank expense in the
Expense Amt          currency of the bank account.

DTS-EXP-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    DT80.4  DT90.3
Expense Accounting   The distribution accounting unit used
Unit                 for posting the bank expense to the
                     general ledger.

DTS-EXP-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Expense Account      The distribution account number used
Number               for posting the bank expense to the
                     general ledger.

DTS-EXP-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Expense Subaccount   The distribution subaccount number used
Number               for posting the bank expense to the
                     general ledger.

DTS-TRAN-ADMIN-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 DT80.4  DT90.3
Base Curr Admin      The administration expense amount in
Expense Amount       the company base currency.

DTS-ORIG-ADMIN-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 DT80.4  DT90.3
Administration       The administration expense amount in
Expense Amount       the currency of the bank account.

DTS-ADMN-ACCT-UNIT   Alpha 15                                    DT80.4  DT90.3
Admin Expense        The accounting unit used for posting
Accounting Unit      the administration expense to the
                     general ledger.

DTS-ADMN-ACCOUNT     Numeric 6                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Admin Expense        The account number used for posting the
Account Number       administration expense to the general

DTS-ADMN-SUB-ACCT    Numeric 4                                   DT80.4  DT90.3
Admin Expense        The subaccount number used for posting
Subaccount Nbr       the administration expense to the
                     general ledger.

DTS-EXCHANGE-RATE    Signed 12.6                                 DT80.4  DT90.3
Exchange Rate        The exchange rate used to convert a
                     bank account currency amount to the
                     company base currency.

DTS-CURRENCY-CD      Alpha 5                                     DT80.4  DT90.3
Bank Account         The currency code assigned to the cash
Currency             code. Represents the currency of the
                     bank account. Must be a valid record in
                     the Currency Code file.

DTS-GL-UPDATE-FL     Alpha 1                                     DT180   DT181
General Ledger       Indicates whether accounts receivable       DT80.4  DT90.3
Update Flag          distribution records have been created
                     by DT180 (Bank Presentation, Cashing
                     Update). Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

DTS-TRANS-IDENT      Numeric 10                                  DT180   DT181
Transaction ID       A unique, system-generated
                     identification value assigned to the
                     transaction to make this record unique.

Journal Book Number  This field contains the journal book

                         DTCASHING FILE INDEX


DTSSET1   CASH-CODE     This is the primary path used to access  DT180   DT181
          BANK-INST-CODErecords.                                 DT80.4  DT90.3

DTSSET2   BANK-INST-CODEThis path is used to allow drill down
          TRANS-IDENT   from cash ledger screens back into the
                        bill of exchange cashing file.
                        KeyChange, Subset
                        Where BANK-INST-CODE != Spaces
                        And   TRANS-IDENT    != Zeroes