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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                              GLIAMBR FILE

                       Financial Analyzer Members

The Financial OLAP Members data file stores information about each member
that has been defined by GL87.1 (Financial OLAP Dimensions).


GLBA.1    GLBD.1    GLBP.1    GLBY.1    GLOP.1    IFBA.1


GLDM.3    GLDM.4    GLDM.7    GLDM.8    GLDM.9    GLDX.2


GIM-MBR-DIMENSION    Alpha 50  (Lower Case)                      GLDM.3  GLDM.4
Mbr Dimension                                                    GLDM.7  GLDM.8
                                                                 GLDM.9  GLDX.2

GIM-MBR-TYPE         Alpha 2                                     GLDM.3  GLDM.4
Member Type          The Member Type field specifies the         GLDM.7  GLDM.8
                     member type.                                GLDM.9  GLDX.2

                     Valid values are:
                     BD = Budget
                     BV = Budget Variance
                     CH = Alternate Chart
                     FY = Fiscal Year
                     PD = Period
                     PY = Period Year-to-Date
                     QR = Quarter
                     QY = Quarter Year-to-Date
                     SA = Subaccount
                     VW = View
                     YV = Year Variance

GIM-SEQUENCE         Numeric 6                                   GLDM.3  GLDM.4
Sequence             The Sequence field show the sequence of     GLDM.7  GLDM.8
                     a member as it is entered in either the     GLDM.9  GLDX.2
                     Budget Member Names or Fiscal Year
                     Variances subforms in AC87.1 (Financial
                     OLAP Dimensions).

GIM-BUDGET-NBR       Numeric 3                                   GLDM.8  GLDM.9
Budget Number        The Budget Number field contains the
                     budget number.

GIM-MBR-NAME         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      GLDM.8  GLDM.9
Member Name          The Member Name field contains the
                     user-defined member name for the income
                     statement member. This name can contain
                     up to 30 characters of any kind.

GIM-ALIAS-MBR-NAME   Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      GLDM.4  GLDM.7
Alias Mbr Name       The Alias Member Name field contains        GLDM.8  GLDM.9
                     the alias name for the member. This name    GLDX.2
                     can contain up to 30 characters of any

GIM-MATRIX-VIEW      Alpha 12
Attribute View       The Attribute View field contains the
                     accounting unit view being used for
                     alternate roll-ups. Any posting
                     accounting units listed in a view that
                     is used for alternate roll-ups must also
                     be included in one of the company,
                     accounting, or company groups.

GIM-FISCAL-YEAR      Numeric 4                                   GLDM.7  GLDX.2
Fiscal Year          The Fiscal Year field contains numeric
                     fiscal year. This field can contain up
                     to four numeric characters.

GIM-FYR-FR-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GLDX.2
Fyr Fr Date          The From Fiscal Year field contains the

                     beginning fiscal year for a range of
                     fiscal years. This field can contain up
                     to four numeric characters.

GIM-FYR-TH-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GLDX.2
Fyr Th Date          The Through Fiscal Year field contains
                     the ending fiscal year for a range of
                     fiscal years. This field can contain up
                     to four numeric characters.

GIM-VAR-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     GLDM.8
Var Type             The Variance Type field contains the
                     value that represents the variance type
                     for fiscal year variances.

                     Valid values are:
                     A = Variance Amount
                     P = Variance Percent

GIM-VAR-SUBTYPE      Alpha 1
Var Subtype          The Variance Subtype field contains the
                     value that represents the variance
                     subtype for budget variances.

                     Value values are:
                     A = Budget to Actuals
                     B = Budget to Budget

GIM-VAR-ELEMENT1     Numeric 4                                   GLDM.8
Var Element1         The Variance Element One field contains
                     the first item (fiscal year or budget
                     member) that is used in the variance

GIM-VAR-ELEMENT2     Numeric 4                                   GLDM.8
Var Element2         The Variance Element Two field contains
                     the second item (fiscal year or budget
                     member) that is used in the variance

GIM-VAR-ELEMENT3     Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Var Element3         The Variance Element Three field
                     contains the third item (fiscal year or
                     budget member) that is used in the
                     variance calculation.

GIM-VAR-ELEMENT4     Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Var Element4         The Variance Element Four field
                     the fourth item (fiscal year or budget
                     member) that is used in the variance

                         GLIAMBR FILE INDEX


GIMSET1   MBR-DIMENSION                                          GLBA.1  GLBD.1
          MBR-TYPE                                               GLBP.1  GLBY.1
          SEQUENCE                                               GLDM.3  GLDM.4
          BUDGET-NBR                                             GLDM.7  GLDM.8
          MBR-NAME                                               GLDM.9  GLDX.2
                                                                 GLOP.1  IFBA.1

GIMSET2   MBR-DIMENSION KeyChange, Subset                        GLDM.8  GLDM.9
          ALIAS-MBR-NAMEWhere ALIAS-MBR-NAME != Spaces