Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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                             HOLDCODES FILE

                              AR Hold Code

The AR Hold Code file contains hold code records. Hold codes are used to
indicate whether a customer, order or order line is on hold. The Lawson
Accounts Receivable system can assess a customer hold code, but does not
prevent any accounts receivable processing based on this. The Lawson Order
Entry system will use the hold code in its processing logic.


AR01.1    AR216     AR291     BL125


AR08.1    AR16.1    AR501     AR550     AR70.2    BL01.1
BL02.1    BL05.1    BL13.1    BL201     BL31.1    BL31.2
BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7    BL32.3    BL32.4    BL91.1
WH130     WH33.5    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4


HDD-CUST-GROUP       Alpha 5                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Customer Group       Customer Group. This is the customer        AR501   AR550
                     group for which the hold codes will be      BL01.1  BL05.1
                     valid.                                      BL13.1  BL201
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-HOLD-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Hold Code            Hold Code. This is the code to be           AR501   AR550
                     assigned to various levels to put a hold    BL01.1  BL05.1
                     on further processing.                      BL13.1  BL201
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR08.1  AR16.1
Description          Displays the hold code description.         AR501   AR550
                                                                 BL01.1  BL05.1
                                                                 BL13.1  BL201
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-CUST-FL          Alpha 1                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Customer Flag        Customer flag indicates that the hold       AR501   AR550
                     code may be applied to a customer.          BL01.1  BL05.1
                     N = No                                      BL13.1  BL201
                     Y = Yes                                     BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-ORDER-FL         Alpha 1                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Order Flag           Used by Lawson Order Entry system.          AR501   AR550
                     Order flag indicates whether this hold      BL01.1  BL05.1
                     code may be applied at the order level.     BL13.1  BL201
                     N = No                                      BL31.1  BL31.2
                     Y = Yes                                     BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-ORDER-LINE-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Order Line Flag      Used by Lawson Order Entry system.          AR501   AR550
                     Order line flag indicates whether this      BL01.1  BL05.1
                     hold code may be applied at the order       BL13.1  BL201
                     line level.                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                     N = No                                      BL31.3  BL31.5
                     Y = Yes                                     BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-USED-FL          Alpha 1                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Used                 Used Flag. This will indicate if the        AR501   AR550
                     Hold Code has been used. If the code has    AR70.2  BL01.1
                     not been used, it may be deleted.           BL02.1  BL05.1
                     Otherwise it must be inactivated to         BL13.1  BL201
                     discontinue use. Valid values are:          BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                     N = No                                      BL31.7  BL32.3
                     Y = Yes                                     BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-ACTIVE-STATUS    Alpha 1                                     AR08.1  AR16.1
Status               Active Status. This will indicate if a      AR501   AR550
                     Hold Code is either active or inactive.     BL01.1  BL05.1
                     Valid values are:                           BL13.1  BL201
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                     A = Active                                  BL31.3  BL31.5
                     I = Inactive                                BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4

HDD-DEALLOC-FL       Alpha 1                                     AR16.1
Deallocation Flag    Used by Lawson Order Entry system.
                     Deallocation flag indicates whether
                     inventory committed to the order/order
                     line is released when this hold code is
                     applied. Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

                         HOLDCODES FILE INDEX


HDDSET1   CUST-GROUP    This path is used for record uniqueness  AR01.1  AR08.1
          HOLD-CODE     and selection.                           AR16.1  AR216
                                                                 AR291   AR501
                                                                 AR550   AR70.2
                                                                 BL01.1  BL02.1
                                                                 BL05.1  BL125
                                                                 BL13.1  BL201
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL91.1
                                                                 WH130   WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4