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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             POLINEOUT FILE


POI7.1    POIJ.1    PO522


PLT-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

PLT-PO-NUMBER        Alpha 14  (Right Justified)                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
PO Number            This field contains the number
                     representing the purchase order.

PLT-PO-RELEASE       Numeric 4                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
PO Release Number    Used to identify a purchase order
                     release (created from a Blanket or
                     Standing order).

PLT-PO-CODE          Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Po Code              This is the purchase order code.

PLT-PO-REVISION      Numeric 3                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
PO Revision Number   The PO Revision number.  Assigned
                     sequentially by the system when the PO
                     is revised.

PLT-CREATION-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
Creation Date        This is the date that this line was
                     added to the requisition.

PLT-CREATION-TIME    Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         POI7.1  POIJ.1
Creation Time        The creation time.

PLT-RECORD-TYPE      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Record Type          This field identifies the type of
                     record defined.

                     Valid values are:
                     S = Summary
                     D = Detail

PLT-RECORD-STAT      Numeric 1                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
Record Stat

PLT-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
Line Number          This field contains the line number.

PLT-ITEM             Alpha 32                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Item Number          This field contains the item

PLT-ITEM-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Item Type            This field identifies the line item

PLT-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      POI7.1  POIJ.1
Description          This field displays the description.

PLT-SERVICE-CODE     Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Service Code

PLT-PROCURE-GROUP    Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Procure Group        This field contains the identifier for a
                     group of companies that share a common
                     procurement effort. They buy items and
                     services together.

PLT-QUANTITY         Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Quantity             This field contains the desired

PLT-VPRI-QUANTITY    Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vendor Price         The entered line quantity system
Quantity             converted to vendor pricing terms.

PLT-AGREEMENT-REF    Alpha 30                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Agreement Ref

PLT-AGRMT-REF-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Agrmt Ref Amt

PLT-SUBST-QTY        Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Substitute Quantity  This is the quantity of subsitute
                     items received in on this product.

PLT-REJECT-QTY       Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Inspection Reject

PLT-ENT-UNIT-CST     Signed 13.5                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Entered Unit Cost    The entered unit cost.

PLT-VBUY-UNIT-CST    Signed 13.5                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vbuy Unit Cst        Unit cost for a purchase order line in
                     PO line buy unit of measure terms. This
                     cost can be entered directly on a
                     purchase order line, or calculated if
                     cost in vendor price unit of measure
                     terms is entered directly.

PLT-TAXBL-UNT-CST    Signed 13.5                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Taxable Unit Cost    The portion of the line unit cost which
                     is taxable. If left blank, this field
                     will default to the line unit cost in
                     vendor price unit of measure terms.

PLT-COST-CD          Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Unit Cost Origin     Unit cost origin code

PLT-ENT-BUY-UOM      Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Entered Buy Unit Of  Entered Buy Unit Of Measure.

PLT-EBUY-UOM-MULT    Signed 13.7                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Entered Buy UOM      Entered Buy Unit Of Measure Conversion
Multiplier           Multiplier.

PLT-VPRI-UOM         Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vendor Price Unit    This is the vendor pricing unit of
of Measure           measure.

PLT-VPRI-UOM-MULT    Signed 13.7                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vendor Price UOM     This is the vendor pricing unit of
Multiplier           measure multiplier. It is used to
                     convert unit cost to stock unit of
                     measure terms.

PLT-LAND-UNIT-CST    Signed 13.5                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Landed Unit Costs    All add on costs that are landed
                     in addition to the product unit cost.

PLT-EARLY-DL-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
Early Delivery Date  This field contains the early delivery
(Rqst DT)            date.

PLT-LATE-DL-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
Late Delivery Date   This field contains the late delivery

PLT-REC-ACT-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
Receiving Activity

PLT-CLOSE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
Close Date           Add on cost close date.

PLT-LOCATION         Alpha 5                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Location Code        This field contains a valid stocking
                     location within the company inventory.

PLT-BUYER-CODE       Alpha 3                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Buyer Code           The user defined buyer identifier.

PLT-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vendor ID            The vendor's identification code.

PLT-PURCH-FR-LOC     Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Purchase From        The vendor's purchase from location.
Location Code

PLT-VEN-ITEM         Alpha 32                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Vendor Item          The vendor's item identifer.

PLT-DIST-CODE        Alpha 9                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Distribution Code    A user-defined code used to
                     automatically create expense
                     distributions or expense distribution
                     "shells" for invoices or to split an
                     invoice distribution into multiple

PLT-TAX-CODE         Alpha 10                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Tax Code             This field contains a code representing
                     specific tax information.  This must be
                     valid Tax Code.

PLT-WEIGHT           Signed 9.3                                  POI7.1  POIJ.1
Unit Weight          This field contains the unit weight of
                     the item based on the stocking UOM.

PLT-CUBIC-FEET       Signed 9.3                                  POI7.1  POIJ.1
Cubic Feet           This field contains the unit cubit feet
                     of the item based on the stocking UOM.

PLT-REC-PRT-FL       Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Receiver Print Flag

PLT-COST-OPTION      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Cost Option

PLT-CERT-REQ-FL      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Certification        This flag indicates whether a
Required Flag        certification is required for this line
                     when it is purchased.  This field value
                     is passed to the PO when the PO line is
                     created.  Valid values are:
                         "N" = Certification not required.
                         "Y" = Certification required.

PLT-INSP-REQ-FL      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Inspection Required  This flag indicates whether this item
Flag                 has to be inspected when received via

PLT-REC-INSP-FL      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Inspection Flag

PLT-MSDS-FLAG        Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Material Safety      This flag indicates if this item
DataSheet Flag       requires a Material Safety Data Sheet.

PLT-NO-LT-CALC-FL    Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
No Lead Time
Calculation Flag

PLT-TAXABLE-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Taxable or           Defines if Taxable.
Non-Taxable Flag

PLT-OSHIP-TOL-PCT    Percent 5.3  (Percent)                      POI7.1  POIJ.1
Overshipment         Quantity overshipment tolerance
Tolerance Percent    percentage.

PLT-USHIP-TOL-PCT    Percent 6.3  (Percent)                      POI7.1  POIJ.1
Cancel Backorder     This is the quantity undership
Percent              percentage for automatic back order
                     cancellation. If a value of 10% is
                     entered here, for instance, and a
                     quantity of 91 is shipped against an
                     ordered quantity of 100, that would be
                     considered a 9% undershipment. Since
                     this is less than the 10% limit, the
                     backordered amount would be cancelled.

                     This process takes place at receiving
                     time. If a backorder is not cancelled
                     manually, the system checks, in order,
                     the PO line, the PO vendor purchase from
                     record, the PO vendor record, and the
                     company record. If an undershipment
                     percentage of a zero percent flag set to
                     Y is encountered at any level, that
                     value is used.
                     NOTE-The percentage can be set at 100%,
                     which would cancel all backorders.

PLT-USER-DATE-3      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
User Date 3          This field contains the third
                     user-definable date.

PLT-USER-DATE-4      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       POI7.1  POIJ.1
User Date 4          This field contains the fourth
                     user-definable date.

PLT-PURCH-MAJCL      Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Major Purchasing     The user defined Major Purchasing Class
Class                identifier.

PLT-PURCH-MINCL      Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Minor Purchasing     The user defined Minor purchasing Class
Class                identifier.

PLT-MANUF-CODE       Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Manufacturer's Code  This field contains a user defined code
                     that indicates the  manufacturer of an

PLT-MANUF-DIVISION   Alpha 4                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Manufacturer's       This is a user defined code that
Division             indicates which division of a
                     manufacturer is tied to an item.

PLT-MANUF-NBR        Alpha 15                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Manufacturer's Item  This is the identifier that the
Number               manufacturer has assigned to an item.

PLT-LAST-DST-SEQ     Numeric 3                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
Last Distribution
Sequence Nbr

PLT-RELEASED-FL      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Released             Released Flag.  Record is now
                     available for further processing in
                     the system.

PLT-ISSUED-FLAG      Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Issued Flag          This is the issue status of the purchase
                     order source record.  If the PO has been
                     issued at least once since the PO source
                     record was created, this flag will be
                     set to a value of "Y".  Once set to "Y",
                     it never changes.

PLT-REVISED-FL       Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Revised Flag

PLT-CLOSED-FL        Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Closed Flag          The Closed Flag.

PLT-ZERO-OSHIP-FL    Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Zero Overshipment

PLT-ZERO-USHIP-FL    Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Zero Undershipment   Set this flag to "Y" to indicate that
Flag                 the undershipment tolerance percent
                     should be set to "zero" at this level.
                     This means that no backorders will be

                     The undershipment tolerance percent
                     must be blank to set this flag to "Y".

PLT-EXCL-AOC-SPRD    Alpha 1                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Exclude from AOC     Exclude this line item from the
Spread Method        Add On Cost Spread Methods.

PLT-PO-USER-FLD-2    Alpha 2                                     POI7.1  POIJ.1
Purchase Order User  Purchase order line user defined field.
Field 2

PLT-PO-USER-FLD-4    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      POI7.1  POIJ.1
Purchase Order User  Purchase order line user defined field.
Field 4

PLT-PO-USER-FLD-6    Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                      POI7.1  POIJ.1
Purchase Order User  Purchase order line user defined field.
Field 6

PLT-MATCH-CLASS      Alpha 10                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Match Class

PLT-MATCH-DTL-KEY    Alpha 55                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Match Dtl Key

PLT-ARCHIVE-QTY      Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Archive Qty

PLT-MATCHED-NO-REC   Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Matched No Rec

PLT-CHARGEBACK-QTY   Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Chargeback Qty

PLT-WRITE-OFF-QTY    Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Write Off Qty

PLT-RET-LINE-NBR     Numeric 6                                   POI7.1  POIJ.1
Return Line Number   This is the return line number.

PLT-TAX-USAGE-CD     Alpha 10                                    POI7.1  POIJ.1
Tax Usage Cd         The tax usage coe for the vendor.  This
                     filed is required if the AP Company
                     inidcates that VAT reporting required.

PLT-EXTENDED-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Extended Amt

PLT-CXL-QTY          Signed 13.4                                 POI7.1  POIJ.1
Cancel Quantity

                         POLINEOUT FILE INDEX


PLTSET1   COMPANY                                                PO522   POI7.1
          PO-CODE                                                POIJ.1


PLTSET3   COMPANY                                                POI7.1  POIJ.1