Invoice Distrib Conversion
The Invoice Distribution Conversion/Interface file contains invoice
distribution information that has been loaded from an external source.
MA54.1 MA54.2 MA540
MDA-COMPANY Numeric 4 MA54.2 MA540
Company The company number represents an
established company and is entered on
all function codes.
MDA-VENDOR Alpha 9 (Right Justified) MA54.2 MA540
Vendor ID The vendor's identification code.
MDA-EDI-NBR Alpha 15 MA54.2 MA540
EDI Number The electronic data interchange (EDI)
number assigned to the vendor.
MDA-INVOICE Alpha 22 MA54.2 MA540
Invoice Number Used to identify the invoice.
MDA-SUFFIX Numeric 3 MA54.2 MA540
Invoice Suffix This is the suffix for the invoice.
MDA-DIST-SEQ-NBR Numeric 4 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution A unique sequence number.
Sequence Number
MDA-TAXABLE-AMT Signed 15.2 MA54.2 MA540
Taxable Amount The taxable amount.
MDA-ORIG-TRAN-AMT Signed 15.2 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution Amount The amount of the invoice distribution
in the currency of the invoice.
MDA-DIST-COMPANY Numeric 4 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution Company The company number used for posting the
transaction. A valid intercompany
relationship must be defined in the
Lawson General Ledger system.
MDA-DIS-ACCT-UNIT Alpha 15 MA54.2 MA540
Accounting Unit The general ledger distribution
accounting unit. Select a valid
accounting unit if you want the
interface program to create general
ledger transactions for transaction with
a record status of '1' and '2' only. A
transaction will be created to this
account and an offset transaction to the
cash account will occur.
MDA-DIS-ACCOUNT Numeric 6 MA54.2 MA540
Account Number Required if the distribution accounting
unit field is not blank. The general
ledger distribution account.
MDA-DIS-SUB-ACCT Numeric 4 MA54.2 MA540
Subaccount Number The general ledger distribution
subaccount. If you are using
subaccounts, this field is required
except for an unreleased distribution
with a tax code.
MDA-TAX-CODE Alpha 10 MA54.2 MA540
Tax Code This field contains a code representing
specific tax information. This must be
valid Tax Code.
MDA-DESCRIPTION Alpha 30 (Lower Case) MA54.2 MA540
Description The description of the distribution. If
left blank, the vendor number and name
Reference The distribution reference. If left
blank, the default reference value
defined in AP Company defaults.
MDA-ACTIVITY Alpha 15 MA54.2 MA540
Activity Activities are the processes or
procedures that produce work. Cost
objects (products, services, customers,
and so on) are the reasons for
performing the activity.
Account Category Account categories are groupings of
costs, revenues, or a combination of
both used for reporting and inquiries
for activities in the Activity
Management system. All transactions are
posted to an account category within an
activity. You can assign a specific
General Ledger account or range of
accounts (company, accounting unit,
account, and subaccount) that make up
the transactions posted to an account
category using AC07.1 (Account
Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
life-to-date balances are maintained by
account category for activities. Account
categories must be assigned to
activities before you do any budgeting
or transaction processing.
MDA-UNT-AMOUNT Signed 15.2 MA54.2 MA540
Unit Amount The total units.
MDA-ASSET-DESC Alpha 30 (Lower Case) MA54.2 MA540
Asset Description A description of the asset if an asset
is assigned to the distribution.
MDA-TAG-NBR Alpha 12 MA54.2 MA540
Tag Number If the distribution contains asset
information, this field contains the tag
number assigned to the asset. Represents
a short name for a part of an asset.
MDA-ITEM-NBR Alpha 32 MA54.2 MA540
Item Number If the distribution contains asset
information, this field contains the
item number of an asset that is composed
of different elements, but depreciated
as a common asset unit.
MDA-ITEM-QUANTITY Numeric 8 MA54.2 MA540
Item Quantity If the distribution contains asset
information, the number of units that
make up the asset item. Each unit of an
item is exactly the same as every other
unit of the item.
MDA-ITEM-DESC Alpha 30 MA54.2 MA540
Item Description This field contains the description for
stock and non-stock items.
Vendor Item The vendor's item identifer.
Asset Template A user-defined asset template
identifies general asset creation
parameters that you can use to quickly
add assets with minimal keying. Using a
template lets you default many data
items associated with a new asset.
You can use an asset template to
process quick asset additions in AM20.1
(Quick Addition) and to create assets
and asset books from Accounts Payable
and Activity Management interface
information. Asset templates are
required if you define new assets as a
result of transactions interfaced from
the Lawson Purchase Order or Accounts
Payable systems.
MDA-INSRV-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) MA54.2 MA540
Inservice Date The book in-service date for the asset.
Note: The in-service date can be
different for each depreciation book
MDA-PURCHASE-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) MA54.2 MA540
Purchase Date The date the asset was purchased. This
purchased date can be different from the
in-service dates for the depreciation
books used.
MDA-MODEL-NUMBER Alpha 30 MA54.2 MA540
Model Number The model number assigned to the
distribution. Used in conjunction with
the Asset Template field. If assigned,
an asset template must also be assigned
to the distribution.
Serial Number This optional field is used for the
serial number of the asset.
MDA-HOLD-AM Alpha 1 MA54.2 MA540
Hold Asset This field indicates whether to hold
the asset in the Asset Interface file.
Being held keeps items from becoming
assets until they are released from
hold. Valid values are:
N = No. Default.
Y = Yes.
MDA-ASSET Numeric 10 MA54.2 MA540
Asset Number The asset number contains up to ten
numeric characters that uniquely
identify an asset. Assets are
automatically numbered system-wide.
MDA-ITEM-TAX-TRAN Signed 15.2 MA54.2 MA540
Tax Amount The tax amount associated with the
asset distribution in the currency of
the transaction.
MDA-ASSET-GROUP Alpha 10 MA54.2 MA540
Asset Group The asset group assigned to the
MDA-COMBINE Alpha 10 MA54.2 MA540
Combine Assets This field indicates whether to combine
items as one asset.
MDA-AU-GROUP Alpha 10 MA54.2 MA540
Au Group Accounting unit groups group and
identify the accounting units to use
when you create journal entries for
adding, adjusting, transferring, or
disposing of assets. Changes to
accounting unit groups are dynamic,
affecting all assets using the
accounting unit group. Accounting unit
group names are user-definable, and
accounting unit groups are set up by
MDA-TAX-USAGE-CD Alpha 10 MA54.2 MA540
Tax Usage Cd The tax usage coe for the vendor. This
filed is required if the AP Company
inidcates that VAT reporting required.
MDA-DST-USR-FLD-01 Alpha 20 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution User Distribution user-defined field number
Field 1 one.
This field can only be used for an AP
invoice, or invoices where the Match
Flag = No.
MDA-DST-USR-FLD-02 Alpha 20 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution User Distribution user-defined field number
Field 2 two.
This field can only be used for AP type
invoices, or invoices where the Match
Flag = No.
MDA-DST-USR-FLD-03 Alpha 20 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution User Distribution user-defined field number
Field 3 three.
This field can only be used for AP type
invoices, or invoices where the Match
Flag = No.
MDA-DST-USR-FLD-04 Alpha 20 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution User Distribution user-defined field number
Field 4 four.
This field can only be used for AP type
invoices, or invoices where the Match
Flag = No.
MDA-DST-USR-FLD-05 Alpha 20 MA54.2 MA540
Distribution User Distribution user-defined field number
Field 5 five.
This field can only be used for AP type
invoices, or invoices where the Match
Flag = No.
MDA-PO-AOC-CODE Alpha 2 MA54.2 MA540
Purchase Order Add Add on code assigned to a purchase
On Cost order. Add on costs can be extra costs
such as freight costs or other
miscellaneous costs, or can be
allowances such as credits and returns.
MDA-SEGMENT-BLOCK Alpha 103 MA54.2 MA540
User Analysis This field identifies the user analysis
values included in the transaction.
You can either type up to four values
or use Define (F6) to open the User
Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
to select the user analysis values you
want to include in the transaction. If
you choose to type values, use commas to
separate them. For example:
There are three conditions that affect
how you can select user analysis values.
See the User Analysis Entry form help or
the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
for additional information.