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                              PRTAXID FILE

                       Tax Identification Number

Contains the user-defined tax authority. Tax authorities provide a link
between the Payroll system and the Business Software, Inc. tax tables. You can
define tax authorities for a company or for a specific process level.

Tax deductions must be tied to the appropriate BSI tax codes for proper
calculation. Reports are available in the BSI system to provide listings of
tax codes.

This file also contains additional EINs (Employer Identification Numbers) for
the company or process level as well as the minimum wage defined for the tax
authority, and additional information required by specific states for state


PR206     PR227     PR250     PR251     PR252     PR253
PR290     PR291     PR292     PR294     PR296     PR297
PR298     PR299


PR06.1    PR06.2    PR06.4    PR06.5    PR06.6    PR06.7
PR06.8    PR06.9    PR07.1    PR07.2    PR07.3    PR07.4
PR07.5    PR07.6    PR07.7    PR07.8    PR07.9    PR67.1
PR67.2    PR67.3


PTI-TAX-ID-CODE      Alpha 10                                    PR06.1  PR06.2
Tax Id Code          Contains the user-defined tax authority.    PR06.4  PR06.5
                                                                 PR06.6  PR06.7
                                                                 PR06.8  PR06.9
                                                                 PR07.1  PR07.2
                                                                 PR07.3  PR07.4
                                                                 PR07.5  PR07.6
                                                                 PR07.7  PR07.8
                                                                 PR07.9  PR67.1
                                                                 PR67.2  PR67.3

PTI-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   PR06.2  PR06.4
Company              Contains the company number for state       PR06.5  PR06.6
                     type tax authorities that require this      PR06.7  PR06.8
                     additional information for quarterly        PR06.9  PR07.1
                     reporting.                                  PR07.2  PR07.3
                                                                 PR07.4  PR07.5
                                                                 PR07.6  PR07.7
                                                                 PR07.8  PR07.9
                                                                 PR67.1  PR67.2

PTI-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     PR06.2  PR06.4
Process Level        Contains the process level for state        PR06.5  PR06.6
                     type tax authorities that require this      PR06.7  PR06.8
                     additional information for quarterly        PR06.9  PR07.1
                     reporting.                                  PR07.2  PR07.3
                                                                 PR07.4  PR07.5
                                                                 PR07.6  PR07.7
                                                                 PR07.8  PR07.9
                                                                 PR67.1  PR67.2

PTI-TAX-ID-NBR       Alpha 20                                    PR06.1  PR06.2
Tax Id Nbr           Contains the employer identification
                     number associated with the tax

PTI-EMP-ACCT-NBR     Alpha 20                                    PR06.1  PR06.2
Emp Acct Nbr         Contains the employer account number
                     associated with the tax authority.

PTI-CONTACT-TITLE    Alpha 30                                    PR06.4  PR06.8
Contact Title        Contains the title of the individual        PR07.2  PR07.3
                     who is the contact person. This applies     PR07.5  PR07.6
                     only to states that required this           PR67.1
                     additional information for quarterly

PTI-CONTACT-AREA     Numeric 3                                   PR06.4  PR06.8
Contact Area         Contains the area code portion of the       PR07.2  PR07.3
                     telephone number for the contact person     PR07.5  PR07.6
                     defined for the tax authority. This         PR67.1
                     applies to state type tax authorities
                     that require this additional information
                     for quarterly reporting.

PTI-CONTACT-PRE      Numeric 3                                   PR06.4  PR06.8
Contact Pre          Contains the prefix portion of the          PR07.2  PR07.3
                     telephone number for the contact person     PR07.5  PR07.6
                     defined for the tax authority. This         PR67.1
                     applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-CONTACT-SUF      Numeric 4                                   PR06.4  PR06.8
Contact Suf          Contains the suffix portion of the          PR07.2  PR07.3
                     telephone number for the contact person     PR07.5  PR07.6
                     defined for the tax authority. This         PR67.1
                     applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-CONTACT-EXT      Numeric 4                                   PR06.4  PR06.8
Contact Ext          Contains the telephone extension number     PR07.2  PR07.3
                     for the contact person defined for the      PR07.5  PR07.6
                     tax authority. This applies only to         PR67.1
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information.

PTI-TAX-TYPE-CODE    Alpha 1                                     PR06.4
Tax Type Code        Contains the value that indicates if
                     the employer is a T (Taxable Employer)
                     or a non-profit, R (Reimbursable

PTI-UI-TAX-RATE      Signed 5.3                                  PR06.4  PR07.2
Ui Tax Rate          Contains the unemployment insurance tax     PR07.5  PR67.1
                     rate defined for the tax authority. This    PR67.3
                     applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-UNDERPAYMENT     Signed 11.2                                 PR06.4  PR07.5
Underpayment         Contains the underpayment from the          PR07.8
                     previous quarter. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-INTEREST         Signed 11.2                                 PR06.4  PR07.5
Interest             Contains the interest amount associated     PR67.1  PR67.3
                     with tax authority. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-PENALTY          Signed 11.2                                 PR06.4  PR07.5
Penalty              Contains the penalty amount associated      PR67.1  PR67.3
                     with the tax authority. This applies
                     only to state type tax authorities that
                     require this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-CREDIT           Signed 11.2                                 PR06.4  PR07.5
Credit               Contains credits or overpayments that       PR67.3
                     are associated with the tax authority.
                     This applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-MONTH-1-EMPS     Numeric 7                                   PR06.4  PR07.2
Month 1 Emps         Contains the number of employees            PR07.4  PR07.8
                     covered by unemployment insurance who       PR67.1  PR67.3
                     worked or received pay for the first
                     month of the quarter, including the 12th
                     day of the month. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-MONTH-2-EMPS     Numeric 7                                   PR06.4  PR07.2
Month 2 Emps         Contains the number of employees            PR07.4  PR07.8
                     covered by unemployment insurance who       PR67.1  PR67.3
                     worked or received pay in the second
                     month of the quarter including the 12th
                     day of the month. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-MONTH-3-EMPS     Numeric 7                                   PR06.4  PR07.2
Month 3 Emps         Contains the number of employees            PR07.4  PR07.8
                     covered by unemployment insurance who       PR67.1  PR67.3
                     worked or received pay for the third
                     month of the quarter, including the 12th
                     day of the month. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-DOC-CNTRL-NBR    Alpha 9                                     PR06.4
Doc Cntrl Nbr        Contains the document control number.
                     This applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-TAPE-AUTH-NBR    Numeric 4                                   PR06.5  PR07.9
Tape Auth Nbr        Contains the number assigned when
                     authorization is granted, WR-43
                     (Magnetic Tape Transmittal Form). This
                     applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-MULTI-CODE       Numeric 1                                   PR06.6
Multi Code           Contains the value that indicates if
                     the employer has employees in more than
                     one county or industry. A value of 0
                     (zero) indicates No, and a value of 1
                     indicates Yes. This applies only to
                     state type tax authorities that require
                     this additional information for
                     quarterly reporting.

PTI-MULTI-LOC        Numeric 1                                   PR06.6
Multi Loc            Contains the value that indicates if
                     the employer has employees at more than
                     one location within the county. A value
                     of 1 indicates Yes, and zero indicates
                     No. This applies only to state type tax
                     authorities that require this additional
                     information for quarterly reporting.

PTI-REMITTER-NBR     Numeric 6                                   PR06.7  PR67.1
Remitter Nbr         Contains the remitter number assigned
                     to the tax authority for the company or
                     process level. The remitter number is
                     used to track and process magnetic
                     media. This only applies to state type
                     tax authorities that require this
                     additional information for quarterly

PTI-SUFFIX-CODE      Alpha 5                                     PR06.9  PR07.1
Suffix Code          Contains the suffix code assigned to        PR07.7  PR67.1
                     the company or process level. This only     PR67.2
                     applies to state type tax authorities
                     that require this additional information
                     for quarterly reporting.

PTI-EMPLOY-CODE      Alpha 1                                     PR06.2
Employ Code          A = Agriculture
                     H = Household
                     M = Military
                     Q = Medicare Qualified Gov't EE
                     X = Railroad
                     R = Regular
                     " " = Regular

                         PRTAXID FILE INDEX


PTISET1   TAX-ID-CODE                                            PR06.1  PR06.2
          COMPANY                                                PR06.4  PR06.5
          PROCESS-LEVEL                                          PR06.6  PR06.7
                                                                 PR06.8  PR06.9
                                                                 PR07.1  PR07.2
                                                                 PR07.3  PR07.4
                                                                 PR07.5  PR07.6
                                                                 PR07.7  PR07.8
                                                                 PR07.9  PR206
                                                                 PR227   PR250
                                                                 PR251   PR252
                                                                 PR253   PR290
                                                                 PR291   PR292
                                                                 PR294   PR296
                                                                 PR297   PR298

                         PRTAXID FILE RELATIONS



Company        PRSYSTEM     Required
                            When PTI-COMPANY != Zeroes

                            PTI-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Process Level  PRSYSTEM     Required
                            When PTI-COMPANY       != Zeroes
                            And  PTI-PROCESS-LEVEL != Spaces

                            PTI-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            PTI-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Tax Id Code    PRTAXAUTH    Required

                            PTI-TAX-ID-CODE      -> PRX-TAX-ID-CODE