Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AC881 - PO135 Commitment Delete

**Form Purpose
Run PO135 Commitment Delete (AC881) to delete the orphan commitment records
created by Recieved, Not Invoiced Report (PO135) and Period Closing (GL199).

Note For release 8.0.2 users, this program is run one time after running
GL199 to fix the data.  Code changes made to IFGT and GL199 ensure no orphan
records are created.

**Processing Effect
AC881 reads the ACCOMMITX file and deletes all records with a system code of
PO and a credit, or negative TRAN-AMOUNT.  These records are the negative
commitment records created by PO135.

AC881 also deletes the all records with a system code of GL. These records
are the reversing records created by GL199.   AC881 will delete all records in
the ACCOMMIT file and re-build from the ACCOMMITX records.  This ensures the
balances in the ACCOMMIT file are correct.

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   -


    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files


INVOKED Programs
