AM212 - Addition Template Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Addition Template Listing (AM212) to print a list of the information you
request for each template you select, or you can run the report to list
information for all templates that have been set up. Leaving a parameter field
blank selects all values for that field. For example, if you leave the
Template field blank, the program lists template information for all defined
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AMASTTYPE - Used to validate the asset type.
AMBKTEMPLT - Used to validate and retrieve asset book template information.
Used to store general asset creation parameters that are used
to process quick asset additions with minimal keying in AM20.1
(Quick Addition) and to create assets and asset books from
Accounts Payable and Activity Management interface information.
AMBOOK - Used to retrieve book currency.
AMCONTROL - Used to validate whether a company is used by the Asset
Management system.
AMDIVISION - Used to validate the division.
AMLOCATION - Used to validate the location.
AMTEMPLATE - Used to validate and retrieve asset template information.
Contains asset template information, which can be used to
interface asset information from the Activity Management or
Accounts Payable systems.
GLADDRESS - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the company group.
GLCHART - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.
INVOKED Programs