Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AM23.1 - Asset Attributes

**Form Purpose
Use Asset Attributes (AM23.1) to keep unlimited user-definable additional
information about an asset (for example, lease, license, and/or insurance

The program is used in conjunction with the Matrix module of the General
Ledger System where elements, attributes, templates, attribute values, lists,
and views can be defined. AM23.1 (Asset Attributes) lets you create
attributes, attribute values, and lists. You can also use templates defined in
the Attribute Matrix module with this program.

Updated Files

    AMASTMXVAL - Primary file. Used to assign values to attributes.

    MXLISTHDR  - Updates the list header with the fact that a new attribute has
                 been defined and the attribute list needs to be rebuilt.

    MXOBJCAT   - Updates the usage count.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate the asset.

    GLCGCPY    -

    MXCATDEF   - Validates attributes.

    MXELEMENT  - Validates the data type and size of each attribute.

    MXLISTDTL  - Used to validate list detail.

    MXTMPLDTL  - Validates template detail.

    MXTMPLHDR  - Validates the template.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to validate valid values for attributes.

AM23.2 - Values By Asset Attributes

**Form Purpose
Use Values By Asset Attributes (AM23.2) to assign values to a single
attribute and multiple assets.

Use AM23.2 to assign attributes to assets for tracking additional information
not delivered on Asset Management forms. These user-defined attributes
function as additional form fields. After assigning attribute values in this
subform, you can select and sort attribute values for asset reporting and

Updated Files

    AMASTMXVAL - Primary file. Used to assign values to attributes.

    MXLISTHDR  - Updates the list header with the fact that a new attribute has
                 been defined and the attribute list needs to be rebuilt.

    MXOBJCAT   - Updates the usage count.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate the asset.

    GLCGCPY    -

    MXCATDEF   - Validates attributes.

    MXELEMENT  - Validates the data type and size of each attribute.

    MXLISTDTL  - Used to validate list detail.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to validate valid values for attributes.

AM23.3 - Query List Members

**Form Purpose
Use Query List Members (AM23.3) to view asset lists and list members.

Updated Files

    MXLISTHDR  - Primary file. Used to create matrix list category values.

    MXLISTMBR  - Primary file. Used to create a list for queries.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate assets.


    AMASTMXVAL - Used to validate attribute values.

    MXCATDEF   - Used to validate attributes.

    MXELEMENT  - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    MXLISTDTL  - Validates the list of values.

    MXOBJCAT   - Validates attributes.

AM23.4 - Manual Asset List

**Form Purpose
Use Manual Asset List (AM23.4) to add or make changes to list members for
asset lists defined in MX10.1 (List). You can assign attributes to assets for
tracking additional information not delivered on Asset Management forms.

Updated Files

    MXLISTDTL  - Primary file, maintained.

    MXLISTHDR  - Primary file, maintained.

    MXLISTMBR  - Primary file, maintained.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Validates assets.

    MXLISTDTL  - Primary file, maintained.

AM23.5 - Copy List

**Form Purpose
Use Copy List (AM23.5) to create a new asset list by copying an existing
asset list.

The existing list must first have been defined in MX10.1 (List).

Updated Files

    MXLISTDTL  - Primary file updated by the program. This file consists of
                 matrix list detail records which are used to define and access
                 accounting unit detail information.

    MXLISTHDR  - Primary file updated by the program. This file contains matrix
                 list category values that can be sorted by a maximum of eight
                 categories; the accounting
                 units on the list can be used individually or combined into a

    MXLISTMBR  - Primary file updated by the program. This file stores list
                 member records, including the object type, sequence number, and
                 object ID.

Referenced Files
