AM520 - Book Name Change
**Form Purpose
Run Book Name Change (AM520) to change book names. The new book name you
change to must have been defined already in AM00.1 (Book) or AM00.2 (Books).
**Processing Effect
The program changes the old book name to the new name in all Asset Management
files and history containing the book. It also sets up the old book's calendar
information for the new book.
Originally designed to upgrade FED, STATE, and BOOK names from release 6.x to
7.0, this program is not just for upgrading; you can run it at any time.
Updated Files
AMASTBKADJ - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
records of changes that are made to Asset Book file records.
AMASTBKCNV - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Contains
non-Lawson asset book information to be converted to asset
books in the Lawson Asset Management system.
AMASTBKDSP - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. This file contains
historical asset book information related to disposals from
AM40.1 (Disposals), AM40.2 (Items), and AM40.3 (Gain or Loss).
AMASTBKTRF - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. This file contains
historical asset book information related to transfers.
AMASTBOOK - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store the
asset book records that are used to depreciate assets.
AMASTRECAP - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. This file contains
the depreciation and tax credit recapture amounts generated
from personal use assets as a result of a drop in the business
use percentage.
AMBKTEMPLT - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
general asset creation parameters that are used to process
quick asset additions with minimal keying in AM20.1 (Quick
Addition) and to create assets and asset books from Accounts
Payable and Activity Management interface information.
AMCALENDAR - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
calendar records that asset books use for calculating
depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values, and for
reporting date ranges.
AMPUCODE - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
personal use codes, which asset books use to calculate
AMPUHIS - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
depreciation records for assets that have a personal use code
assigned. AM190 (Period Close) updates this file.
AMTRANS - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
detailed records of asset transactions that update the general
AMTRANSUMM - Primary file updated. Book name is changed. Used to store
summary records of asset activity by general ledger account for
a fiscal year.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
Referenced Files
AMBOOK - Used to verify and retrieve book information. Used to store
the asset book records that are used to depreciate assets.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the company group.
GLCPYGRP - Used to validate the company group.