Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AP36.1 - Invoice Payment Approval

**Form Purpose
Use Invoice Payment Approval (AP36.1) to approve released invoices that
require approval before they can be scheduled for payment.

**More Information
A released invoice requires approval on this form if the company has approval
criteria defined in the Company Approval subform and No selected in the
Workflow field in AP00.4 (Company), and the invoice amount is greater than or
equal to the amount defined in the Company Approval subform.

You can assign a hold code to an invoice to prevent AP150 (Cash Requirements)
or AP151 (Bill of Exchange Generation) from scheduling the invoice for payment
after you approve it. When you remove a hold code from an invoice, the invoice
becomes available for payment after you approve it.

Updated Files

    APHLDINV   -



Referenced Files

    APAUTHOR   -




INVOKED Programs
