Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AP52.1 - Invoice Interface

**Form Purpose
Use Invoice Interface (AP52.1) to enter and maintain invoice, debit memo,
credit memo, and one-time vendor invoice information in the invoice conversion
file for interface or conversion into the Lawson Accounts Payable system or to
maintain information previously loaded into this file.

You can enter or maintain unreleased, released (open), or historical invoices
on this form. You must type batch numbers or voucher numbers for unreleased
invoices. For released and historical invoices, this information is optional.

**Processing Effect
No edits are performed on information you define or maintain on this form;
however, you can define or maintain invoice information before you run AP520
(Invoice Interface) which will edit the information for completeness and
accuracy, update the Lawson Accounts Payable files, and delete updated records
from the conversion file.

Updated Files


    APCDISTRIB - Main file updated by program.


    APCINVOICE - Main file updated by program.

    APCPAYMENT - Main file updated by program.

Referenced Files



    PODOCREF   -

AP52.2 - Multiple Payment Interface

**Form Purpose
Use Multiple Payment Interface (AP52.2) to create and maintain a payment
schedule (an invoice split into more than one payment) in the payment
conversion file for interface or conversion into the Lawson Accounts Payable
system or to maintain information previously loaded into this file.

**Processing Effect
No edits are performed on information you define or maintain on this form;
however, you can define or maintain invoice information before you run AP520
(Invoice Interface) which will edit the information for completeness and
accuracy, update the Lawson Accounts Payable files, and delete updated records
from the conversion file.

Updated Files

    APCPAYMENT - Main file updated by program.

Referenced Files




AP52.3 - Distribution Interface

**Form Purpose
Use Distribution Interface (AP52.3) to enter and maintain invoice
distributions in the distribution conversion file for interface or conversion
into the Lawson Accounts Payable system or to maintain information previously
loaded into this file.

**Processing Effect
No edits are performed on information you define or maintain on this form;
however, you can define or maintain invoice information before you run AP520
(Invoice Interface) which will edit the information for completeness and
accuracy, update the Lawson Accounts Payable files, and purge the
corresponding records from the conversion file.

Updated Files

    APCDISTRIB - Main file updated by program.

    APCINVOICE - Main file updated by program.

Referenced Files



AP52.6 - Invoice Errors

**Form Purpose
Use Invoice Errors (AP52.6) to list invoices with errors that prevent them
from being interfaced. Interfacing refers to the ongoing process of bringing
in data from a source external to the Accounts Payable application, such as a
desktop application or a non-Lawson application. You can drill around on each
invoice line to find additional details about the error.

**Process at a Glance

1. Load external invoice data into the appropriate interface files.

2. Run Invoice Interface (AP520) to interface invoice information from a
non-Lawson system.

3. List invoices with errors using this form.

4. Correct records that did not interface using Invoice Interface (AP52.1),
Multiple Payment Interface (AP52.2), or Distribution Interface (AP52.3).

5. Optional. Run AP520 again to interface corrected records.

Updated Files


Referenced Files




AP52.7 - Filter

**Form Purpose
Use Filter (AP52.7) to define selection criteria to view invoice errors in
AP52.6 (Invoice Errors).

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    APAUTHOR   -





AP52.9 - Invoice Conversion Comments

Use the Invoice Conversion Comments form to interface invoice comments from
third-party sources.  Converted invoice comments display on Invoice Search by
Vendor-Invoice (AP90.1).

Updated Files


Referenced Files


INVOKED Programs
