AR105 - EFT Notification Print
**Form Purpose
Run EFT Notification Print (AR105) to create pre-notification and final
notification print files and flat files.
**More Information
Open items are conditionally selected for pre-notification printing, based on
the customer Pre Note option defined in AR09 (Customer Group Address). All
items will be selected for final notification printing.
The pre-notification and final notification EFT transaction records created
by AR100 are updated as being printed.
The AR Open Item file is updated with a status field indicating that final
notification has occurred and that the record is eligible for the payment
extract process.
AR105 creates print and flat files according to the customers EFT
Notification rules defined in AR09 (Customer Group Address). Flat files are
created for customer communication. Print files are created to serve as an
internal audit listing. Pre-notification and final notification detail
information will be printed in separate areas on the output forms.
Updated Files
AROITEMS - Invoices, debit memos, and credit memos updated with EFT cycle
status flag.
CKPOINT - The environment file used for recovery.
DTCUSTBANK - Updates pre notification status in EFT bank file.
FTTRANS - Primary record created for EFT print notification.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.
ARCUSTGRP - Used to validate customer group.
ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate customer.
AROIHDR - Used to validate open item header record.
CRANALYST - Validates credit analyst code.
CUSTDESC - Validates customer description record.
FTCUSTNOTE - Used to validate customer EFT notification method.