Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR25.1 - EFT Adjustments

**Form Purpose
Use EFT Adjustments (AR25.1) to make adjustments to EFT open items. From this
form you can add, delete, postpone, or hold an open item from the current EFT
processing cycle.

Adjustments are made because of a client-based issue (a disputed item is put
on hold) or a credit management issue (wanting to hold a credit memo to
prevent a negative payment from occurring).

**Processing Effect
The release form action creates an FTTRANS (EFT transaction) record, deletes
the temporary EFT work record, and updates the AR open item record. The EFT
transaction record can later be used as an audit record to reconcile a closed
open item record.

If the release involves a "delete" status record, the release deletes all
FTWORK records (25 working records), the FTTRANS (EFT transaction) records for
the open item, and initializes the three EFT tracking fields on the AROITEMS
(open item) record. In other words, the delete form action erases the open
item from any work in progress within EFT processing. To prevent an open item
from being selected by EFT Notification Extract (AR100), use Expanded (AR42.4)
to change the payment code to a non-EFT type before you process AR100.

Note Other FTWORK records that are in a different state, such as Postponed,
Held, etc are deleted and appropriate FTTRANS records are created for those

Updated Files

    AROITEMS   - Open items updated with EFT status flag.

    CBBANKINST - Part of payment code validation.

    FTTRANS    -

    FTWORK     - Primary record created by this program.

Referenced Files

    ARCOMP     - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used to validate customer group.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate customer.

    AROIHDR    - Used to validate open item header record.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description record.


    FTCUSTGRP  - Used to validate EFT customer grouping.

    GLSYSTEM   -

AR25.2 - Selection Criteria

**Form Purpose
Use Selection Criteria (AR25.2) to select open items for adjustment based on
criteria you select.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    ARCOMP     - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.


    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description record.