AR294 - Transaction History Report
**Form Purpose
Run Transaction History Report (AR294) to print a report of all transactions
for a range of general ledger dates for a company. You can select a process
level or customer to further define the listing. You can include payments,
non-accounts receivable payments, credit memos, invoices and debit memos, RTM
debit memos, finance charge debit memos, chargeback debit memos, or all
transactions on the report.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Accesses company information.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARCUSTOMER - Selects transactions by customer.
ARDRAFTS - Accesses selected bills of exchange.
AROIHDR - Used to validate open item header record.
AROITEMS - Accesses selected open items.
ARPAYMENT - Accesses selected payments.
ARPROCLEVL - Selects transactions by process level.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer name.
INVOKED Programs